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buki's gaia journal
Enchanted Book
I guess I should come out with this now razz
So, yes, I'm the one responsible for the book and pretty much almost everyone has a clear idea of what it's going to come out of it. However, I'm going to make my own small twist on things. It's also my first major sprite project XD

Reading the feedback on the book I noticed some Gaians were hoping it will be a book with different tales. One of the biggest issues I had with that idea, even though it's a pretty neat idea, it's just that it didn't make sense evolution-wise especially how the book will end. So I'm sorry to disappoint those who wanted different tales. n_n;

So this week's evo has some small issues. I do intend to touch it up when I can get to it. This month has been extremely busy for me: working on other major Gaia projects and then there was my graduation XD; As for the mop, it's not a wig.

Now that most people pretty much figured what it's going to be, I'd like to know what other elements of the story you Gaians would like to see smile

I would also love to know what other stories Gaians are interested in besides the fairytales smile It could even be a poem with a story or an adventure smile I'd love to hear you guys and gals out.

Off-topic: Here's a shout out to JJ razz
He sits behind me at work.

User Comments: [48] [add]
Red Scully
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commentCommented on: Fri May 23, 2008 @ 11:36pm
I looooooooove the enchanted book Buki! xd heart

Hmmm... Assuming the story here is Cinderella, I'm excited for the Fairy Godmother part of the story, and the pretty dress!

As for stories I like, lately I've been digging stuff like C. S. Fosters' Horatio Hornblower novels and Moby d**k - sea fairing items are far and few between on Gaia. We've got some pirate stuff, but royal (gaia?) uniforms would be pretty spiffy in my book, as would a harpoon and such. I'm a dork though, so I dunno how many other people would really enjoy such items. sweatdrop

Then again we recently got those Gikeiki items, with Benkei's vest and all that. So its possible fellow nerds as myself lurk about on Gaia and behind the scenes of it. ninja

commentCommented on: Fri May 23, 2008 @ 11:38pm
Congratulations on your graduation! 3nodding

The Enchanted Book is very lovely. Keeping the Cinderella theme makes sense evolution wise. As for other items I would like to see a white horse come from the book! It would be gender neutral and I remember the scene when the mice turn into beautiful white horses to carry Cinderella to the ball.

Other stories I like hmm.. growing up I was always fond of the Little Mermaid.. I blame Disney. redface

Good luck and AWESOME JOB with versatility on the Enchanted Book!

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Kunai Jones
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commentCommented on: Fri May 23, 2008 @ 11:40pm
Please do a Lord of the Rings version for the Enchanted Book. There are so many awesome options. Glowing white wizard staff, fated broadswords, dwarven axes, elven longbows, Frodo's sword Sting, and orc skins or a tree skin for the Ents. You could even do an officially condoned invisible glitch for The One Ring. And one item I'd really love to see is a pose that automagically shrinks your avatar and everything it's wearing by 30%, making you Hobbit-sized. Squat it down proportionally from there and we're dwarves. There's an item in the Bebo/Facebook widgets that shrinks people's avatars, and it's a great effect.

But great work on the Enchanted Book so far, it's coming along beautifully. I know it's a difficult balance in pixel work and you're always trading off for detail v. size, which is why sometimes pixel people come out looking disproportionately bobbleheaded. But it's really growing beautifully. I'd definitely suggest a male-based story for the next volume of text, though. Arabian Nights would also be a cool inspiration for that if LotR is too much to tackle.

EDIT: Ooh, or Gulliver's Travels. Or Jules Verne anything.

commentCommented on: Fri May 23, 2008 @ 11:43pm
I absolutely love the Enchanted book! And you didn't really dissapoint me as I was hoping it would be Cinderella all along wink .
I love, love, loved the little birdies from the second evo. So pretty and well matched to the other turquoise items on the site! The rats were adorable also 4laugh . And this latest evolution is nice too, the dress is lovely (even though shabby), and the cat is very cute. It's nice to see a realistic looking animal instead of a plushie.
What I am really hoping from this EI is gowns. Lots a lots of beautiful, fancy gowns. Cinderella's dress, both her evil stepsister's dresses, heck, even the evil stepmother's dress. Go all out. I will love you so much if you do wink . On a side note: If you do gowns, it would be wonderful if you had the option of equipping just the bodice or skirt by themselves as well as together. Gaians love it when you let us mix and match pieces together.
Some more items that it would be great to have would be glass slippers, a tiara, a Cinderella wig (both long, pretty hair down and then a disney style formal bun on top of the head) would be awesome, gloves, etc. I was really hoping for a Prince Charming date out of this item, but it seems as though Orindae already did that. However, as the one from Orindae seems to be about 13, and I'm not really into having a little boy date, I would love, love, love if you had an older (20's or so) mature, dashing sort of Prince Charming come out of this ^_^
I've heard it suggested that we should have a carriage come out of this too...but I'm a little worried that might be too bulky for most avis. What I would really appreciate would be a Castle background...somewhat similiar in conception to the bamboo grove from Tama's basket or Smashing Cities. I would use that all the time with my "princessy" avis 4laugh
Anyway, you are doing a wonderful job so far, and I love your item. I look forward to seeing future evolutions of it and I'm so glad I got two first gens back when they were still cheap! Keep up the good work biggrin !

Edit: Looking over the rest of the comments here, I have a little more to add (sorry for such a long post!) I too would LOVE a white horse out of this...the four horseman set is so bulky and none of the horses actually look like horses, so a more realistic horse would be loved.
And to whoever suggested the LOTR EI, that is a fabulous idea! I don't think I'd be able to stop jumping up and down if Gaia came out with that...elves, dwarfs, elves, ents, elves...yes, I'm obsessed, I've read the books all the way through over 10 times... redface

Azurae Skye
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Juge Varius
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commentCommented on: Sat May 24, 2008 @ 03:27am

I love the suggestion of the lord of the rings, could give some fun items, but you could also think about doing One Thousand and One Nights, or better known as Arabian Nights.


commentCommented on: Sat May 24, 2008 @ 04:19am
A white horse would be awesome! 3nodding

I am loving all the little animals coming out of this. I think my favorites so far was the rats. I liked how you gave us so many options to equip the rats and the birds... I love the cat in this evo too.. o: I'm excited to see what this item has coming~ Keep up the good work!

Anto J Lareneg
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pure dark star
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commentCommented on: Sat May 24, 2008 @ 04:30am
Prince, fershure! All those dresses, Fairy Godmother....
Great item!
This item pwns. It should have been one of those expensive 7.50's.

commentCommented on: Sat May 24, 2008 @ 08:01am

I'll melt your face right off your skull

I absolutely loooove the enchanted book so far!
The mice are adorable! I am partial to little silly creatures and that was a pleasant surprise!
Anyhow... I think that you should do "Beauty and the Beast"
say for instance it could have a clock, a dish set and a candelabra
and then of course the beast, who would eventually turn into the prince, and then...
perhaps some dresses. I think that it would be just lovely :3

Thats it from me!
Have a lovely day!

...Make your iPod only play Jethro Tull

Pelagic Paladin
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commentCommented on: Sat May 24, 2008 @ 10:31am
I like the Enchanted Book! biggrin

Aside from fairytales, I love reading poems and short stories. William Shakespeare, Antoine de Saint Exupéry and Edgar Allan Poe are few of my favorite writers and poet.

As for the upcoming poses of Enchanted Book, I would like to see the following:

Two Stepsisters - one is positioned in the left and the other one in the right of your avatar.
Pumpkins - just like the Gairish Clover Field, but with orange gourds.
Horses and Coach/Carriage
Glass Slippers
Fairy Godmother - similar to the Biancamella and Grace of Aphrodite
Castle - a background on your avatar
Beautiful Gown


commentCommented on: Sat May 24, 2008 @ 03:16pm
I like the enchanted book as well for book's that could make good evo item's there is the darren shan series and there is also artemis fowl heart keep up the good work and one question does gaia give you anything for making this evo item?

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commentCommented on: Sat May 24, 2008 @ 04:00pm
I think the idea of the book is pretty awesome for an EI. But I didn't quite like last evolution. I'm not fond of 'celebrity date' poses.

The dress is cute, but Gaia's layering doesn't allow us to play around much with full dresses, so I would have liked a top and a bottom and maybe a full dress pose better . The broom is what I liked the most, we needed a broom. And the cat is cute, a nice pet.

Some items from Cinderella I would love to see are the glass slippers (I'm sure we'll get this one) and lots of pretty gowns. Oh, and let's not forget gloves and jewels.

Some wigs too (always so useful), with different hairstyles. And hair accesories are always my favourite items so tiaras, crowns, bows and such too.

From the Fairy Godmother it would be lovely to have a magic wand and some kind of fairy wings with magic dust. I think glitter make-up to give our avis a magical look too.

If you do something original with the pumpkins I'll applaud you, we have too many pumpkin items from Halloween so I guess I'm curious about what you come up with.

About Prince Charming, as I said I don't really care about it , but I guess people wants him, so I'm hoping for a handsome and gentleman like prince.

I can't think much more at the moment. Please make this item something as awesome as it should be. Keep the good work!

commentCommented on: Sat May 24, 2008 @ 11:51pm
Hhhm. After the Four Horses DI, I'm not sure I want to see a horse item come out of this. Mounts like the Wild Things have been nice, but fairly limited.

Cinderella is a story that has been retold many times through many different media. I'd particularly favor versions of the Cinderella tale that haven't been pecked to death -- perhaps the magical wishing tree from Aschenputtel, or the golden-eyed fish that serves as Godmother in Anne de Fernandez?
(whoo hoo! International Cinderella Day!)

Maybe themed masks for each of the major characters; one representing Cinderella, another representing the stepsisters, the godmother, or the prince? Masks for a Masque x:

And MAJOR props to whomever suggested a Palace background -- perhaps a version of the palace/kingdom at night and day?

Mind you, I realize I'm drawing up some pretty strange requests. But the Cinderella story is, in the words of another well-known artist, "a tale old as time". I'm hoping you can add a fresh spark to this fairytale.

Best of luck, Buki <33

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commentCommented on: Sun May 25, 2008 @ 12:52am
I really like the Enchanted Book, but bawwwwww, I thought it was going to be a bunch of different stories.
And I love the mop. OMG, that mop is awesome.

As for upcoming poses, I think I would want some Fairy Godmother stuff, slippers, ugly a** stepsisters, and something time themed. Maybe Big Ben behind our avatars? Or lol, Flava Flav's clock necklace.

I really like some of Grimm's Fairy Tales (I haven't read all of them, but I think I have most of them. Some favorites are Goosegirl, Fundevogel, Snow White and Rose Red, and Hansel and Gretel. There's also one short story I like about Hansel. I think it's called Clever Hansel, but I can't remember for sure.

I also like a lot of Disney stories, like The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, and 101 Dalmatians.

Btw, this is your first major sprite project?

commentCommented on: Sun May 25, 2008 @ 09:45am
The only thing I want is the Fairy God mother's wand. Magical sparkles and all. It couldn't be hard to do.. It's basically a stick. XD But it's such a pretty stick. ninja

I have no idea how you would pull off a horse, but if that's even possible then I agree with that suggestion. XD

Ginger Flare
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commentCommented on: Sun May 25, 2008 @ 04:32pm
I really like the Enchanted Book! You've done a great job so far! I like the many different options it has and that the items tie into the story, but can be used completely on their own.

I haven't watched the Disney movie in a long time and I've never read a story of Cinderella, so I don't have any original ideas for what I'd like to see from the story. (Anything I do think of will be from the Disney movie)

Like a lot of other people, I'm mostly hoping for a very pretty dress and accessories! (that can be worn together or apart so I don't need to get lots of books to have a complete outfit, or if I want to wear just one element) It would be neat if we could have the dress the animals made for her, with an option to have it torn to pieces, like in the movie.

I love the idea of a castle background someone suggested! That's all I can think of at the moment. ^_^;

commentCommented on: Mon May 26, 2008 @ 02:59am
First of all Buki, I loved the book and spent the money for my monthly collectible this month to get it ^^.

I like how someone suggested doing parts of the story from different countries. Perhaps when you do gowns, you could make different gowns/tiaras modeled after the ones from the different countries that tell the Cinderella story? That would be pretty cool.

I think more boys would like the book if you also added in the Prince's clothing.

And whoever said castle: genius.

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commentCommented on: Mon May 26, 2008 @ 08:57pm
yes soo it is Cinderella, well no offense i wasn't really loving the one this week, I liked the one with the animals. and prediction i think the magical swirls will become the fairy godmother

commentCommented on: Tue May 27, 2008 @ 06:46am
Great work so far! I have high hopes for this EI and I think it's going to turn out one of the best ones yet. The magic coming out of the book is well made and wonderful, the mop and broom filled a void in Gaia and did it well, and the rats are just adorable heart Nothing wrong with the birds, I just love rats more wink

What would I like to see out of this item? Ballgown and glass slippers of course! Wig(s) to go with the gown(s) are always useful and welcome, as would accessories like gloves, tiara and masks be. To have separate and together poses for the outfit(s) is very much wished for. EIs are expensive enough as it is without having to buy multiple ones in order to use them fully... ^^;

I don't really like the "celebrity date" poses since they never look right with the avvies' appearance, but if there IS to be a prince I agree completely with Azurae Skye about it being a mature one. Just... Please don't go overboard with the celebrity dates... ._.

But prince's clothing was a good idea in order to appeal to guys too =D

The castle backdrop idea is brilliant! Especially if there's one for night and one for day.

I'm not loving the thought of pumkins, though. We get enough of them around Halloween. (But they should have something where you get to stand in a field of pumkins then... Hmmm...)

As for future ideas... There's much that could be done with the Narnia books, but maybe those are so hyped right now, being made into film and all...

Speaking of film, one of my favourite stories ever is the timeless doll-animated film The Dark Crystal from -83 by Jim Henson. (I love Fizzgig heart ) If you haven't seen it and you like fairytale fantasy (creating the Enchanted Book, how can you not?), DO! The Labyrinth from around the same time is also a nice fairytale and recommended as well (you can tell that one's from the eighties, though XD).
...I just found out through Wiki there's a Manga sequel to The Labyrinth eek Must. Have. Grah!

Winged Freya
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commentCommented on: Wed May 28, 2008 @ 09:00am
I love the Enchanted Book! I like how you did the sparkly things coming out of the book, like in Disney's Cinderella, when the fairy godmother does her magic. I'm very excited about what will be next!

Stories I like (besides fairy tales): Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia, Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, Wuthering Heights, Ramona series, Roald Dahl books, The Wizard of Oz

I love the Corpse Bride by Tim Burton!

commentCommented on: Thu May 29, 2008 @ 07:22am
I think you're doing a terrific job on the Enchanted Book, Buki! I loved the newest stage and this is my favorite evolving item so far! I get really thrilled to see each evolution and I really liked the brooms and dress this phase. Keep up the good work! biggrin

A few things I would like to see are a pretty ball gown possibly one with different parts to it like Biancamella's corset and dress were equipable together and separately. I'd also love to see more magical swirls cause the book had them early on and having the Biancamella I think the magical BG items are some of the best parts. And I agree with the castle idea it would look cool. I have no clue how the horses would work though...

I'm really into fairy tales and would suggest maybe if you did another doing a book deticated to putting all the shorter ones together in each evolution one story is told. 1001 Arabian Nights is a great idea but I'm sure doing all of Scheherazade stories would make the item take like a year to evolve even if it was once every week. I'm sure you're already familiar with most fairytales, I read mine from surlalunefairytales.com it has really old versions and ones that aren't as well known.

Also this just weird question that I was wondering about, have you ever seen the 10th Kingdom? It's my all time favorite movie and it's about fairytales with a modern take on them. I'd highly recommend it to any one who enjoys classic fables.

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commentCommented on: Fri May 30, 2008 @ 03:23am
One of my favorite EIs. As for what I'd love to see, I'd love to see the pumpkin coach, even if it's a small, not-to-scale model at our avatar's feet. It'd be especially adorable if it had the mice pulling it.

I would love to see the dress the stepsisters rip up as well.

commentCommented on: Fri May 30, 2008 @ 04:19am
I'm in total agreement, Lord of the Rings version could be awsome.

So, could Wizard of OZ, if done right and according to the books NOT the movies. Though a lot of users would be upset and confused by the silver slippers that the fools who made the movie made red.

Then there's Narnia. Oh, the possibilties.

I'd love to say Potter, but he's feeling a bit overdone right now.

As for this Enchanted book, I really hope it's more Rogers and Hammerstien, then disney. I haven't been able to watch the disney version since I was like five, becuase it's so... ugh, when compared to the R&H verson. I would love that dress. heart

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commentCommented on: Fri May 30, 2008 @ 05:29am
You've done such a wonderful job thus far Buki. smile

I was thinking you could do simpler stories:

Little Red Riding Hood
Seven Dwarves
Cinderella: glass slippers, ball gown, her hair style, etc
Beauty and the Beast: pile of books, Mane/Tail/Suit, Teapot, etc.

commentCommented on: Fri May 30, 2008 @ 02:14pm
Definitely gowns, a couple of them, like someone said before, the step-sister's gowns. That way we have alittle variety.

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Kisa Tsuki
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commentCommented on: Fri May 30, 2008 @ 05:24pm
Im in love with this item~
The first evolution was pretty neat with the little fairy tale animals that you need to have in a fairytale.

The second evolution is quite adorable as well. I love the cat, and can't wait to see where this item goes! For a suguestion I would also like some pretty gowns. And Maybe Cinderella's Prince charming? That would be wicked.

As for a suguestion for another fairy tale I would love to see Beauty And the Beast. Its my favorite story and I would love to have an evolving item of Beauty and the Beast, like the ballgown, or the beast.

How about the wizdard of Oz? I would love to have a pair of Dorthy's red slippers or the witches skin color, or a pose of the witch melting or your avatar could melt. And the flying monkies! Its just a thought~

commentCommented on: Fri May 30, 2008 @ 10:54pm
i want glass slippers or just some nice shoes, not enough good shoes on gaia

and more cute animals

I loe King Arthur and Robim Hood stories.

Sweet Angel Mary
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commentCommented on: Sat May 31, 2008 @ 07:40pm
Okay so not sure how you would do this, but Sleeping Beauty would be a fairytale I would love to see in the future.

As for Cinderella, if you're basing it off of the original story and not the Disney-fied version, the slippers should actually be fur. But I suppose they could be glass since Charles Perrault changed them in his written version... But I would like to see some lizard-footmen.

commentCommented on: Sat May 31, 2008 @ 09:03pm
I know you said no more Fairy Tale items, but couldn't you just do a red riding hood? *gasp* With lace on the edges! That'd be cool... Ooh! Maybe something based on Catskin! I'm not too sure if Catskin is a Fairy Tale, though...if you do consider it a Fairy Tale, I do agree with some of the previous comments on Wizard of Oz items.

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commentCommented on: Sat May 31, 2008 @ 10:57pm
' T H I S ' ' I S '

My most important question is if this EvoMon (Evolution Monster) will contain a central being/creature/pet thing? I'm guessing that it will show in that spectrum of light the book emits.

And I'm guessing that in a certain stage the lights from the book will surround us in the form of a dress and then it turns into the Cinderella dress. xD

' S U C H ' ' A ' ' D R A G '

commentCommented on: Sun Jun 01, 2008 @ 12:11am
Very good so far. <3
I hope you can take a look at my thread, and anyone else who is a fan of the enchanted book heart

Yuurei Shoujo
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commentCommented on: Sun Jun 01, 2008 @ 01:28am
As for stories, I'd looove to see something on the Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy. (The books, not the movie) It'd be awesome to get a Guide, or Marvin the Paranoid Android! Ohh. Even the Heart of Gold~. There's so many different characters and things in them, it'd be awesome.

commentCommented on: Sun Jun 01, 2008 @ 04:13am
Go with the classics. 3nodding Maybe stuff from Treasure Island...tricornes and cutlasses maybe? I saw someone suggested Arabian Nights, and that sounds pretty cool. Oh! Sherlock Holmes items would be cool! Also, a friend was complaining that Gaia had some Musketeer stuff, but no actual muskets. Maybe a diving suit from Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea unless you're planning to do items that are more whimsical/magical...I dunno...

Mr Sous Chef
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commentCommented on: Sun Jun 01, 2008 @ 04:57pm
Hi Buki! <3

If you're into making book-based items, may I suggest the Little Prince?

I have a little petition for it in my signature. Please have a look.~~

commentCommented on: Mon Jun 02, 2008 @ 07:12pm
Yay~! I finally found out who the Enchanted Book artist is! XD I'm glad it's only Cinderella, I didn't like the idea of it skipping around. People would want a dress for every freakin' princess. X_X

One story I've always liked is the story of Susano'o, Shinto God of Storms, and the dragon. I know that's more a certain other artist's department, but I've always liked that story.

(The story, if you don't know it.)

I'm not sure if that could be converted to an EI, if that's why you wanted to know, but still.

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The Sweet Mango
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commentCommented on: Fri Jun 06, 2008 @ 04:36am
Above all things from this Cinderella-themed item, I want a Prince Charming. One that looks as legally close as possible to the one in the Disney movie. heart And could you have several poses?
For example:
~ being arm in arm with the prince
~ in a dance pose with the prince
~ the prince kneeling to put the glass slipper on your foot! (especially this one)

You will be my favorite developer if you do that! xd

commentCommented on: Fri Jun 06, 2008 @ 08:09am
Of course you should do Cinderellas dress at the end and the glass slippers <3
Thanks for the beautiful item.

Devilish Passion
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commentCommented on: Fri Jun 06, 2008 @ 02:57pm
I think "The Dancing Princesses" would be a wonderful evolving item if you want to do varied dresses and then maybe show the wear-down of the shoes ending with the bridal dress.

Btw, I'm talking about the story where every night the 12 princess go to a faraway kingdom and dance the night away until they ruin their shoes. The King is frustrated trying to figure out why every pair of shoes he buys his daughters become worn so quickly and hires a prince/young man (depending on how the fairytale is told) to find out what they're doing. Usually they drug the man who watches them so they can sneak out, but the young man/prince is keen to them and doesn't drink/eat the drugged food. In the end the prince/young man finds what they are doing and receives the youngest daughter's hand in marriage.

This could be a good one if you want a lot of evolutions or can be shortened. Maybe get a few different styles of dresses..plus the magical scenery lets you shape this fairy tale to whatever you want.

TL;DR, I love your work XD

commentCommented on: Fri Jun 06, 2008 @ 06:36pm
I absolutely love the Enchanted Book so far!
The birds and the mice poses are my favorite so far.

As I'm sure many have suggested, glass slippers would be cute. ^^

Something I would especially love to see is the sparkly aura type of thing that Cinderella has while she is transformed into her ball gown. reference

Thank you for the wonderful work!

Oh, and as far as other literature, I am a huge Terry Pratchett fan! :3

[ Shattered Innocence ]
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commentCommented on: Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 05:42am
I personally love the book, but haven't gotten around to buying it yet. ^^;

I think something along the lines of:

Table of contents: A tome that holds many stories, here in the table of contents holds the keypoints to a story, but what might come out isn't always wanted. Loved or not, its just a story... right?

Starting pose: a boy/girl sitting at your feet holding a book, position changes occasionally as he/she reads. Or just a book, I guess.

With poses of villains such as the wicked witch of the west, the wolf, and fairy tale creatures coming to life.

Maybe a story that goes through the zodiac animals/signs. Change animals, change symbols. Tattoos on the body.

I think the Wizard of Oz, Pet Semetary/IT (stephen king, lol). I can't think of the name of this one, its about a bunch of people that take water from the fountain of youth, and they grow young. But they all fall into their old habits, and fight over the water. Causing it to spill, and they know they will revert to being old again.

Also the Raven, by Edgar Allan Poe. Or masquerade of the red death would be amazing. x]

I would like to see something with classic movie monsters. >_>
I have too many ideas, but have no clue on how to do pixel art/draw on the computer. -.-

Amazing work though, and I hope to see more of your stuff around.


commentCommented on: Wed Jun 11, 2008 @ 08:51pm
You MUST read Elenium, of David Eddings. Then you make an item of that book :F

About Cinderella: Make a prince cloth too for male users xd

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commentCommented on: Tue Jun 17, 2008 @ 12:19am
I love, love love the rats! You might have guessed from my name. You have got the cuteness and rat anatomy just right. Beautifully done. I love the rats so much that I had a mug, stickers and luggage tags made in the Gaia store. Now that more rats have been released I will have to get more stuff!
<:3 )~~~~RATS!

commentCommented on: Wed Jun 18, 2008 @ 02:09am
Wow, for being your first sprite project, it looks reeeeeeaaaaaaaalllyy good ;]] I love the way the white cloth falls, the folds themselves and the whole flow of the item. Keep up the good work!

As for other stories... Besides the one icetears mentioned (which is a wonderful one!) I was thinking about one of my favorites: 'The Six Swans'. It's about a girl trying to save her six cursed brothers, who had been turned into swans, by vowing not to talk for 6 years and sewing a shirt made out of stinging nettle for each one of them (well, in the original Grimm version they talk about star-flowers, but I've always heard the nettle version, no matter who I had talked to. =p). I think there are many stories to chose from, so no worries about running out of themes for EIs.

I'm really looking forward to this item's evolution, and also to seeing more items from you. ^^

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commentCommented on: Fri Jun 20, 2008 @ 11:04pm
Could there maybe be some kind of suit for boy avatars? A lot of the more formal items on gaia are ugly for guys so it would be nice to get something new o:

commentCommented on: Thu Jul 03, 2008 @ 11:21pm
Thank you for the Enchanted Book. I really like it, and I'm happy to see a fairy tale element in Gaia. You ROCK! heart

A prince outfit would be awesome for us guys, since there's really nothing right now...and a castle as a background? that would be the best!! especially if there was a night one, and a day one...

Well, anyway, thanks for the enchanted book; it's easily one of my favorite items.

As for other stories, I don't what to say! There's so many good ones! yikes, I get all excited just to think about the possibilities....

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[ Belle ]
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commentCommented on: Fri Jul 04, 2008 @ 05:03pm
I love the Enchanted Book, especially this last evolution!
Just one (selfish) suggestion: If you do happen to make step-sister dresses, I think that a yellow one would be very nice... wink
(Seriously though, I would love a yellow ball gown. I guess it doesn't really fit into the Cinderella theme, so maybe for one of your future EIs!)
Amazing work!

Oh, and I love icetears's idea.

commentCommented on: Wed Jul 09, 2008 @ 12:56am
Enchanted book = Brilliance.

Polly Paradox
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Occult Medicine
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commentCommented on: Sat Aug 16, 2008 @ 12:28am
Enchanted Book is coming out very nicely.
Maybe a fairytale for a thief? There aren't really good items for making a nice thief look other then dressing like a ninja or just a regular criminal. Saint-tail ish.
If not Peter Pan would be awesome xD

commentCommented on: Wed Jan 07, 2009 @ 06:49pm
I was very VERY pleased with the Enchanted book. 3nodding You did a lovely job with it.

Stories I'm interested in. Well, my mind is kind of stuck on Disney, and since we already have items similar to The Little Mermaid, I thought Sleeping Beauty! Even now I can think of evolutions for it. At first, maybe Brier Rose's peasant dress, basket, shawl, birds maybe? The Godmothers next, along with the three different colored cloaks, wands, possibly their gowns/hats. Next being the tiara, princess gown (Different colored gowns?), and some other things I can't think of. ._.; Then, the evil Maleficent! >D The spinning wheel, possibly Maleficent cloak (to wear on your avatar), dead Aurora? After that, the prince, dragon, the prince's clothing items and sword. And FINALLY! Aurora and Prince Philip kissing, a wedding gown (I know you did one for the Enchanted Book, and Aurora was never seen in one, but I really don't have much for the ending. ._.).

ANYWHO! I would love something like this. It could be an item called... Uuuh *thinks*... Well, I got nothin'. Hopefully I didn't spill enough of my idea that you couldn't use it at all due to copying issues? o O This would really Enchant me. ^ ^

Princess Tizuki`
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