My life's musings. If you wanna know more about me, look here, because I don't often volunteer much information about myself in open chat/forums.
I'm back/Thank you Gods of Summer
whee Ths is my second day back if you can't tell by my other posts. Shouts out to Bryce. Sorry I haven't been around my friend. confused I got some cool things for xmas. That was the last time I was here wasn't I? Anyways everything was nice coutresy of . One bad thing that happened? I lost three uncles to cancer within six months. So you can imagine me bouncing around states trying to attend all these funerals while attending school. On a lighter note, I just graduated high school. Thank God. Funny how twelve years of slaving your but off is repaid with a flimsy sheet of paper. If you didn't know I'm telling you now. Graduation isn't free. You pay to graduate. stare No lie after I was done I think I paid Herff Jones some odd $400. Thank you Gods of Summer for the peace you offer. No more tests, college apps, major projects, term papers, band trips, after school tutoring, crappy non-free lunches, and impossible deadlines of doom. Sorry high school experiences I bid you adieu as I close my senior yearbook and throw it in a box somewhere not to be viewed for 20+ odd years. I bid you goodnight err... I mean good day. *mock salutes* talk2hand