Hello, please come and join the story circle. I am Da'mass and this two-legged one is my best friend Liccora. We would like to tell you about how we meet and the adventures that we had. Back when our mothers and fathers where without bounded two-legged ones.
The first memory I have is of my raising, the world seamed to flow and swirl around me as I made my way up through the hot flowing liquid to the cold outer world with its hard ruff surface. The world seamed to call to me to climb to its surface. I followed the call out of the hot liquid up onto an outcropping of strange hard material gave beneath my claws allowing me to climb out. Something then reached out toward me from above and with out evening thinking I nipped at it to make it go away. After I nipped the thing, I could taste a strange flavor in my mouth. I pushed my way past everyone, and moved out across the field to where an adult had just dropped a dead deer. I got the strange feeling that there was something missing from beside me.
I started to eat the deer when one of the adults would not let one of the two-legged ones walk past me. The adult insisted that the two-legged walk over to me. As the two-legged one approached all I could think to do was to offer my deer, with the two-legged one that is when I found out that her name is Liccora. Then one of the adults shoved a deer into Liccora legs making her fall down. I turned, spread my wings, and challenged the adult, telling all of the adults that Liccora is mine, and I showed that I would defend her with my life even now. That is when I knocked over Liccora trying to make sure that she was all right and I told her my name was Da'mass. The next thing I knew the adults where leaving us with our newfound two-legged bounds. As the adults left I realize that the two-legged ones where collecting the food the adults had left, and I finished eating. I then told Liccora that I was full, cold, and tired.
That is when an old two-legged one, Liccora said was elder Tafferan walked up and asked if we needed help since I kept trying to walk the same way, the adults did. Tafferan then called a two-legged one called Ganash over to help Liccora with me, because my hatching sack was swinging under my feet, they took me by my wings while Tafferan lead us to her what she called a barn. The barn was a large building that was two stories and held four box stalls in front and a stall wide opening in the back.
When we got to the barn, there was a box that had wood shavings all over the floor and a large pile of dried gold and green grasses and there were two wooden troughs on one side of the box. One trough was for food and the other trough was for water. Liccora then lead me inside the box she than left and closed the box. I started to cry calling for her to come back and not leave me alone here in the box. Tafferan then handed Liccora roll of cloth that Liccora spread out on the floor of the box. Liccora than laid down in the box and I then curled up beside her and fell fast asleep.
The next morning, while Liccora slept Tafferan feed her animals. Then Tafferan tried to enter the box with out Liccora’s permission and I was not going to let Tafferan or anything else enter the box. Therefore, I rose up hissing and blocking the doorway, while I was complaining to Liccora about Tafferan trying to enter the box. I was so intent on keeping Tafferan, and every thing else out that I did not notice that Liccora had gotten up. Liccora startled me and I spun around knocking her off her feet with my tail, as she tried to quite me down. I then realized that I had knocked Liccora off her feet and I started whimpering apologizing to her for knocking her down. I was blocking the door with my body until Liccora calmed me down, she then convinced me that Tafferan meant us no harm and had food for us. Tafferan then managed to slip past me into the stall where she served us something to eat. After I ate, Liccora decided that I needed a good scrub down. She then took me down to the river to wash up.
As we arrived at the river the other two-legged ones and their dragons where just starting to bath in the river. I noticed that Liccora was looking at a blue green dragon’s two-legged bound. I told her that the dragons name was Ta'shera and she then told me that Ta'shera’s bound was Mondra. About that, time Mondra called us over to where she was drying off Ta'shera. As we approached Mondra, Ta'shera suddenly calls out to all of the bounded dragons and me to play a game of tag out in the river. Much to Mondra's dismay, Ta'shera dove into the river and then splashed every one on shore that caused all of us dragons to launch into a game of tag. We played all morning while our two-legged ones tried to call us back to shore. I could feel something every now and then move past me going up river to clearer water as we played in the river making the river down stream muddy. When sun rose high in the sky, we went back to our two-legged bounds looking for food and some place to sleep.
That is when the two-legged ones that went down river to hunt fish came back with out hardly any fish in their boats do to all the mud coming down the river. Liccora and the other two-legged bounds promised that after they fed us dragons and settled us down in our boxes that they would to repair the fields that the adult dragons had damaged during our raising from the lava flows. Liccora and the others help the other two-legged ones hunting fish up river with their catch when they came back. Therefore, I fallowed Liccora back to my box in Tafferan's barn where she then fed me more meat, and I nibbled at the dry green grass was left in my box until I fell asleep.
I woke up when the sun was high in the sky, I was very hungry, and looking for Liccora. I did not see Liccora. I started crying out for her. It seemed to take Liccora forever to before I heard her voice and I started to calm down. I lean hard against the door to my box but I refused to stop crying until Liccora was stroking me. Once she was assuring me that I was all right. She then let me know that Tafferan would be in the barn with me. As I calmed down Tafferan gave her animals food to help them calm down as well. As I finally calmed down and that Liccora said, that she would be back with food for me. I calmed down when Liccora got some dried green grass for me. She then took a box with two sticks on one side and a wheel on the bottom as far from the sticks as possible and she left the barn to hunt up some food for me. When Liccora returned the box full of meat she poured in to a trough in my box. Then I ate all the meat and dried green grass that I could find in my box.
After I ate, Liccora took me out to one of the fenced fields that Tafferan owned. She let me into one of the fields where I happily relived myself. Liccora then left me there in the field and then went back to the barn to take care of the box for her and me. I managed to figure out how to open the door to the field and close the door behind me. I then walked back up the path that Liccora had leaded me down. I walked slowly looking at the different animals in the fields and the plants that where there along the path. As I neared the barn six balls of fur, that the two-legged ones called puppies, came tumbling around the corner of the barn just as Liccora and Tafferan stepped out of the barn. The puppies started trying to hide behind each other while pushing each other closer until I noticed them. When I turned my head to look at the puppies only to have all but one turned and ran away. The one puppy that stayed sat down in front of me, then cocked its head and I said hi to the puppy. The puppy answered with a soft yip. Then the puppy started smelling around my legs, I tried to keep the puppy in sight I ended up tripping and falling. After a while, the puppy lost interest and wondered off to chase the other puppies. Liccora then lead me towards the back of the barn where Tafferan kept the grooming equipment. Tafferan showed Liccora how to groom my fur, and they taught me how to stand still for the grooming.
Over the next few months, I found that there where several different plants that I liked to eat that included gain and dried green grass. I also I had to be moved to a pen outside because I had out grown my box in the barn.
Liccora and the other two-legged bounds found an old mill site with several old fields of tree stumps on the far side of the village that could be used by all of us. Liccora thought that the fields might have been old orchards. She took me to where the three buildings where at, she then showed me a huge building that she called the raisin lodge in need of some work but was big enough for all twenty growing dragons and their two-legged bounds to live in for a while.
Liccora told me that Streff the villages carpenter had offered to help fix up the building in exchange for Liccora and the other bounded two-legged ones help him build a building which he called the dragon lodge which would allow one of us, and their two-legged bound to stay in. The pair that stayed would stay in the dragon lodge and the pair would teach new dragons and their two-legged bounds how to take care of each other and their community. Over the next several months, we worked hard at removing the old stumps from the fields and we learned about our bounds likes and dislikes.
A wild female dragon soon started to come around as we worked and played in the fields. The wild dragon told us her name was La'tora and she showed us how to dig faster. La'tora slowly became use to our two-legged bounds at distance. La'tora is a deep green color with light green highlights, she has a brown belly that blends into a modeled gray colored throat, and her both of wings are a deep green with blue highlights. La'tora soon had all of us willing to learn to fly. La'tora started us out with wing flapping once all the fields where clear of tree stumps. I kept watching La'tora as she gained lift with only a few wing strokes, and I soon figured out that if I cupped my wings on the slightly forward down stroke and then tipped the leading edge of my wings downward on the slightly backward upstroke. La'tora then had us lift off go as high as the dragon lodge and then land. I found that landing was a bit harder since I was having trouble with my wings, but I finally figured out how to land with a lot of practice.
After La'tora was satisfied that we all could lift off and land in the same spot. She then started to teach us how high up we needed to be to glide. We'kor a brown dragon that is bounded with Saitta was having trouble lifting to the right height for gliding and was usually to low for La'tora’s comfort. As La'tora worked with We'kor it became clear that he did not like to be to far from his bound Saitta. I finally talked with We'kor and managed to convince him that learning to fly would be better for both him and Saitta and once we learned to fly. We would learn to hunt for ourselves and it would take a lot of strain off our bounds and their community. Shortly after that, We'kor figured out how high La'tora wanted us to fly. La'tora soon taught all of us how to glide and a few of us quickly learned that we could glide farther than the rest.
We then had to teach La'tora that our two-legged ones did not mean to scare or hurt her. Our two-legged ones instead wanted to learn from La'tora just as we did. The only way that La'tora would at first let any to legged ones near her was on our backs. Unfortunately, we had a hard time of keeping them on our backs that is until Ventora. The village tanner came up with the idea of using a harness that would allow our two-legged bounds to stay on us. The harnesses where made for us so that our bounds are able to stay on our backs. La'tora then accepted our two-legged ones as part of us. After some convincing La'tora finally understood that our two-legged ones where there to help us.
La'tora then started to lengthen how long and how far we flew and that is when both our two-legged bounds and us decided to fly together. Then we learned to fly with our bounds on our backs attached to the harnesses that we wore.
La'tora called Ta'shera, with her bound Mondra, and me, with my bound Liccora to go hunting with her. Once we took flight La'tora had us all look for a clearing with deer in it. La'tora told us that we where to circle the clearing until La'tora could show us how to make a kill. We had not flown for very long when I spotted a herd of deer in a large clearing, and I started to circle the field and Ta'shera joined me in circling. Then La'tora dropped down on to a deer with a single killing blow and started eating. Ta'shera and I then dropped down onto a deer ourselves. When I landed on a deer, I that found that my talons had killed the deer with one blow. With us, dropping down on the deer, the rest of the deer had fled the clearing. I started to eat the deer under my talons that is when Liccora had to get my attention so that she could get down once she was on the ground I offered her my deer. Liccora laughed and told me to go ahead and finish my deer.
La'tora waited until we had finished eating before she had us take off again. As we flew along Ta'shera suddenly dropped down on to a large herd of deer and killed two deer. La'tora insisted that since Ta'shera was so impatient to hunt, with out looking for danger, and for not working as part of the team she received a good chewing out and she had carry both of the deer and Mondra. We then came across another herd of deer that La'tora and I managed to take down three more deer. Then La'tora insisted on carrying two of the deer back so that I only had to carry Liccora and a deer. We then went back at the raising lodge we dropped off the deer and the other two-legged bounds took the deer from us to take care of.
Liccora had me convince La'tora to come down to the river to bath with us. Once down at the river Tafferan walked up to where we where. La'tora asked me if Tafferan meant to harm any of us the only thing I could think of to show La'tora that Tafferan was safe, was to walk up to Tafferan lay my head down in front of her while exposing my throat and chin to Tafferan’s touch. Tafferan then started to scratch my chin and throat. La'tora watched us then slowly lowered her head down to where Tafferan could reach her this surprised everyone. Tafferan the slowly reach out to La'tora’s nose she then gently scratched La'tora slowly on the nose. Tafferan then asked Liccora in this was the dragon that she had heard so much about. Liccora had to admit that this is the dragon we call La'tora. Liccora, Mondera, and Tafferan scrubbed and wash both Ta'shera and me down. La'tora watched and then allowed Tafferan, Mondera, and Liccora to scrub and wash her down. Tafferan had managed to gain La'tora’s trust with the bath.
I helped Liccora with her research of the different types of dragons and how they lived.
Who is who?
Da’mass – wind based dragon bounded with Liccora,
Elder Tafferan – watched a raising of wild dragons as a child and takes care of many animals,
Ganash – the leader of the village,
La’tora – a wild female earth that is a deep green color with light green highlights, with a brown belly that blends into a modeled gray colored throat, her wings are a deep green with blue highlights.
Liccora – bounded with Da’mass,
Mondra – bounded with Ta’shera,
Saitta –bounded with We’kor,
Streff – the village carpenter,
Ta’shera – blue green dragon bounded with Mondra,
Terrod – a villager from Liccora’s,
Ventora – the village tanner,
We'kor – a brown dragon bounded to Saitta,
Bound partners – a dragon and a person are bounded when a dragon has just emerged a lava flow for the first time and draws a single drop of blood form a person before they eat,
Dragon lodge – a home for one dragon bound team,
Hatching sack – is on the front of the neck of a young dragon that has just come out of the lava flow,
La’tora – a deep green color,
Platform – a level raised rock out cropping that projects out over lava flows,
Raising – a group of twenty or more young dragons,
Raising hall – a building to house young dragons and their bounds,
Wild dragon types – fire, earth, wind, salt water, and fresh water dragons,
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