GUY TALK (Cookie monster talk)
How do I talk to a girl?
Friends will think I'm a d**k if I show I like a girl.
How come it's OK for a girl to show she likes a guy, but not OK for a guy to show he likes a girl?
I'm afraid of getting rejected.
Girls don't feel as horny as guys.
Girls tease and play power games.
Girls want romance and "relationships" not sex.
You don't talk about sex before doing it - it just "happens".
How come girls can talk to their friends about problems and guys can't.
Am I too ugly/boring for a girl to be interested in me?
Why do girls play hard to get?
Will my friends think I'm a wimp if I have a girlfriend and we don't have sex?
GIRL TALK! (Gibberish)
How do I talk to a guy?
Is it OK for a girl to make the first move if the guy doesn't talk to her first?
Guys don't get as hurt as girls.
Guys dump girls after sex.
Guys get girls drunk to have sex.
If he says he loves me how do I know he means it?
Why are guys allowed to be horny, but girls aren't?
Is it OK not to do it?
Why do guys always stick together in groups? It makes it hard to talk to them.
How do you tell someone you like them?
Will he tell all his friends if we have sex?
If I have some drinks can I still trust him?
How do I get him to stop hassling me to have sex?
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