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Stuff about me, Rants of Randomness, Dark Thoughts....Call It what you want
So life is boring as always.
I am kind of glad they are doing a prom on here because I don't have time or the drive to go to my senior prom.
Besides all high school dances/proms are nothing but drama and crying girls because they couldn't get a date.
Well ******** that.
Real life sucks too much for me to want to be apart of it.
Thats why I drown myself in books, manga, anime, movies, video games, Gaia and a bunch of other things.
I hate having a cold.
Besides the fact that my brain is overloading with all these things that I want to type and I'm pretty sure no one cares about them, I feel like my brain is also going to implode and somehow drip out my right ear onto my shoulder so it can finally tell me how lame my conversations with myself are.

Wow I am a lame human being with no life.
So the movie Iron Man was great, anyone that reads this that hasen't seen it yet...STAY AFTER THE CREDITS. If you are a fan of the comics and Marvel all together you will s**t yourself. [avengers] thats all I have to say about that.

Well people it is 1:34 in the morning and my body is refusing to crash...thats nothing new. I wish that I could actually sleep and then I wouldn't e so tired all the time.

Alright long rant over.
Hope you enjoy me basically talking to myself and the little pixies that seem to follow me everywhere, nope thats just dust particles.


Sage Winters - Signing out.

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  • User Comments: [1]
    Epic Epoch
    Community Member

    Mon May 05, 2008 @ 07:04am

    ..Dust particles? I thought those were.. Nevermind. Dx

    At least, if there's any crying girls on the Gaia prom, there's an ignore button. xDD

    I want to know what kind of books/manga/anime/games/such you occupy yourself with. I demand to know! xD

    -Hugs tightly- >< Being sick is no fun. Get well soon <3
    Why your right ear? o.O;

    ...I'm going to go see it soon. I'll definitely be staying through the credits though. @w@ I'd have probably missed it if you didn't mention it. xD <3

    Sleeeeeeep with me. <3
    I'll keep you safe from anything that might bother you D: heart


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