Nicknames I have been given in the past:
1. Belly-button Girl [dumb one, didn't even last two days...]
2. Hippie-Girl [I lashed out at the guy that kept calling me it when I was fed up]
3. Horsecamp
4. Crybaby [The one I despise the most and will SHOOT the next person that calls me it]
5. Weird Girl (?!?!)
For fun:
1. Gooie muffin biggrin
2. Yetti [if you don't know me in real life, don't ask]
3. Puppy-Kicker [lol]
4. Shiroko [Shiro for short]
5. Die [or Die-die]
6. ZOOL!!!
7. Sexier Zelda Lover [Devin is Sexy Zelda Lover]
8. Twitchy
9. Skinny
10. Deedee [my family nickname]
11. Diannie-Bananie [Emma, lol!]
12. Waffle-friend
13. Goo-balls? [Some random person called me this on Runescape once. I thought it was funny biggrin ]
14. P.O.D. [Poop On Dianne {Dalena is retarded lol}]
15. DIE, Anne!
16. Gir (New)
17. Pooka (Marching band lol)
18. Dianna-lana-ding-dong
19. Wonder Woman (because I remind Val of Wonder Woman ^^)
20. Diznaniquea... however you spell that... (it's my black name!)
What I'm better-known as by people who don't know me:
1. That one weird Girl xD [but then again, who hasn't been called this?]
[New] Nicknames my flute has been given:
1. Elmer [his main name; it's like Selmer only w/o the S!]
2. Pawn Shop (April's nickname for it)
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Yay for Journals...
Ok, fine. I'm gonna write stuffs in my Gaia journal now... But it's not going to be like my journal on Deviantart that I use to write about my day and all that. This is just gonna be where I put random thoughts and topics about my life that interest
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Love me or die
Zelda rules! Starwars is good too
~~~May the Triforce be with you~~~