“ The radley place was inhabited by an unknown entity the mere description of whom was enough to make us behave for days on end.”
Jean Louise finch
Thinking back to when my mom used you to tell us that if we didn’t behave that she would send us to the blare witch project .now that I’m older I know that the blare witch project isn’t real, but back then I was terrified out of my mind .I used to hide under my bed, my mom wouldn’t find me. Once on a the way back from Nevada we were fighting in the car my mom got so sick of us yelling, she pulled over near a wooded area and took all of our stuff out of the car put it on the side of the road told us to get out of the car and said “have fun with the blare witch project “then drove off .she came back like two minutes later but we didn’t say any thing the rest of the way home.any time we were bad my mom would mention the blare witch project we immediately stopped and started behaving.
Being scared is something that every one deals with and people are scared of things they don’t understand .i ‘m scared of the paranormal because I don’t really understand it.
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