I have been Broken.... And I have been hurt... But since you came, I have felt things I never knew I could feel, all at once.. I felt happiness along with sadness, I felt nervous as I was excited.. And then I asked myself "What did I do to deserve such a great person like him?" I am mean to people that treat others badly, I make fun of those whom I hate, I destroy the ones who bring me pain inside... How can I be happy if I don't even deserve it? Well, the answer was simple once I thought about it.. A reason that can not be explained.. A reason that is highest above all.. I found someone I love, I found the real one that held the key to my heart, I found a friend, I found a person I could tell everything to, I found the other half of me.... I found... Trevor...
Roses of Sorrow · Sun Apr 13, 2008 @ 05:42am · 1 Comments |