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A Fantasy RP characters, Poetry, maybe pictures.

Beyond Fantasy
Community Member
Profile: Masque T. Raiden

:Name: Masque T. Raiden
:Age: 7625
:Race: Shadow Demon

Masque's Appearance
Standing semi-tall at a height of 6'1, he is nearly always seen with a black and white backpack. His legs are covered by black charcoal pants, looking oddly comfortable to most eyes, and his boots would match them nicely. His torso was covered by a white and gray shirt, matching his black and white attire. He was rarely seen smoking, but when he did, one could tell he was stressed out, or depressed. His body was well built, yet slender. Most wouldn't think he was strong by looking at him, but he was. Yet his head was most obviously his most distinguishable feature, not that his attire wasn't enough to draw him away from others. His hair was a fine silver, spiked up stylishly in the front, but down everywhere else. Sideburns running half down the side of his face. A small smile would lighten his features well, but mainly he kept the smile on all the time. His eyes constantly glittered with mischief, almost constantly. The deep yet shallow red in them enough to lure most a stray.

Masque’s Personality
Normally Kind, he is one of the few people who can smile despite himself, or the odds put against him. Not easily giving up, and very persistent once something is pushed into his head. Still young at heart, he doesn’t take most things the way others would. Seriousness was still a part of him, though he only let it show for empathy or when he felt as though he couldn’t smile.

Masque’s Specialties

Psychic abilities:
True psychic abilities are achieved through an greater understanding of the universe, not objects that enhance your mental capacity. Psychic abilities come in an wide range of uses, all able to be used without physical means. Intuition playing an large role, along with energies. We all emit an energy that an few gifted others can learn to harness, and read. Other types of Psychic abilities is Telepathy, Telekinetic’s, and ESP, or Extra sensory perception. Another useful ability being remote viewing, allowing me to calculate an coordinate, and harness a perfect view of a place I may have never visited through my minds eye.

The ability to lift, and manipulate objects with your mind through an keener sense of understanding of how the world, and object works. This resulting in the ability to manipulate anything that consists of matter, or physical matter. Think of it as an applied force that can't be seen, able to apply this force to move, or manipulate the intended target with kinetic energy. Energy capable of being altered telekinetically as well, seeing as telekinetic energy is a type of energy it's self. There are multiple other kinesises as well.

Fate Chakra
His own method he has been perfecting for over his entire life, a special form of his own will known as Fate. It takes the form of a crimson hue when being used or summoned, and allows him to create and use his own attacks with using a minimal amount of Chakra which are listed below;

Is the ability to mentally manipulate currents of wind.

Is the ability to mentally affect the weather.

Is the ability to mentally control sound pitches and waves.

Also known as Vitakinesis, is the ability to mentally alter biology. This ranges from healing to manipulating DNA.

Also known as Xylokinesis or Agrokinesis, is the ability to mentally control the growth of plants.

Is the ability to mentally affect the flow of time.

Is the thermokinetic ability to mentally absorb or displace thermal energy within atoms, effectively freezing an object by removing all heat.

Is the ability to mentally manipulate electricity and electrical phenomena.

From the Latin gravitas, heavy, also known as Gyrokinesis, is the ability to mentally manipulate gravitons and gravitational fields: the force of gravity or its effect on an object.

Is the ability to mentally manipulate water in its solid, liquid and gaseous states.

Also known as Magnokinesis, is the ability to mentally manipulate all forms of magnetic and electromagnetic fields

Also known as Lumokinesis, is the ability to mentally manipulate or generate photons, to create beams of intense light.

Is the ability to manipulate fires, or in some definitions cause objects to ignite.

Is the ability to mentally manipulate technology and/or machines.

Is the ability to mentally manipulate the earth.

Is the ability to manipulate heat, encompassing the ability to freeze things or heat things up.

Is the ability to manipulate light, resulting in utter darkness.

Telepathy deals mostly with the understanding of energies that every living thing, and some non-living thing posses. Through this using an form of intuition to interpret the different energy signals both sub-consciously, and consciously. Meaning you can read the "Thoughts" of other people that they themselves can't even understand. Emotions also falling under this category, as certain emotions fluctuate the amount, and type of energy the body produces naturally.

Extra Sensory Perception
This is an form of sight, an "Fifth sense" if you will. This enables one to connect with his surrounding in an greater sense of understanding, and sight. Often attributes to me by the mist that sweeps across my surroundings, anything within the mist that produces heat, movement, sound, or anything instantly alters me to it's presence through this "Fifth sense". It could also be used for objects, if an specified object is moved, or altered it could alert the person that was watching it using ESP. There are many ways to use this form of sight, or understanding to many benefits.

His mind is far more advanced then many mortals, and immortals alike. Allowing him the ability to calculate distance, time, energy, speed and other physical, and mental aspects of life within less time then the mortal mind can usually have enough time to allow the bio-electric nervous system enough time to process a single thought. Through this ability he has perfect aim on non-moving targets, and near perfect accuracy on moving targets through body language. This gives him the classic advantage in any fight he decides to participate within. He's also capable of separating physical actions, from mental actions, having taught my body to react to it's surroundings without thought. Thus being able to concentrate on mental capabilities, or assault as well. More so an advanced form of multi-tasking, being able to perform two actions at the same exact time.

Life Regeneration
Unlike many, Masque has an odd, yet valued gift. He can give life, and bring life. Altering DNA and using his chakra he can molecularly give back, or suck the life out of any object. Upon returning a deceased person, part of his soul is locked inside them, they feed off of it, and grow again, almost like a child, yet with the memories of a long life. This will also allow Masque to revive himself If Deceased by taking back that piece of his soul, yet not harming the person it was in. Each time, his molecules re-arranging in such an way to make him stronger, faster, and smarter.

Masque's Weapons

Gunblade - Kept well concealed, not in the case. He tips the bullets with poison, which will in turn, hitting a bloodstream, immobilize any opponent, or slow him down at least In the area stroked. This gun blade has special attachments, detachments and oddities. It only takes two milliseconds to fire when the rapid fire is set in it, but takes a full second when it is using the magnum roll chamber.

A short three-foot one-handed shotgun, made of cherry wood, strong and durable, with pin-point accuracy.

Masque's Family



Masques family abandoned him.

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