damn missed my Dane Cook moment to "gunsling" it with a royal D-bag of D-bagz! Sam's Club gas pump, my buddy is letting me use his family's membership to fill up. Didn't even know the guy had pulled up behind me. We finish filling up and I was about to do the friendly handshake thing prior to going our separate ways and Assy McD-BAG CHIEFS me. "Hey CHIEF, you done?" WOW. First d-bag to ever chief me. Never been pal'd or buddied by a random d-bag either. Altho i responded pleasantly trying not to toke the flames here that I was done. I made damn well sure to look around and lo' and behold 6-7 open pumps. Absolutely no need to ensue d-baggery. King D-bag over here went well out of his way to bestow me with CHIEFDOM. I have to give him an E for Effort for being so oblivious to his surroundings. Damn i missed it...the next in line would be to counter him with "No problem GAYLORD" but I missed my chance. And my inner instinctual nature to just get the hell out of the way and not start something. BAH! I HAD IT :< !!! GAYLORD! nOOOooooooOO! /end-rant
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