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View User's Journal

dear die-ary
This is nothing more than rants and ramblings that I may feel like putting down for all to see... and for no good reason either! :)
My cats have gooey eyes! YUCK! Seems the most recent rescue has kitty eye herpes and now I have to put medicine in their eyes 3 times a day which just make them LOVE me (note the heavy sarcasm).
The rats are doing pretty good, the two young'ns are growing like mad, every time I look they are bigger.
I am having trouble getting my dream avatars up on my profile without words under them, if anyone even reads this and knows whats going on here let me know.
I am pretty mellow today, so none of the completely off the wall ramblings I will normally post... sorry if that bothers you...
Yup, so... stuff n' things, stuff n' things... same old same old.
I go now but leave you with one thought.... MY EYES! I CAN'T SEE MY EYES!!
yup... not even an original quote... shame on me...

Sanity is the Playground of the unimaginative.

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