But anyway... that is not why I am here...
I am here to broadcast my recent tektek! xD
C'mon, you all saw that coming. You must've. Otherwise... you haven't been paying attention. D:<
Here it is. May add another one later. >>

Total Value: 386,059 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Silver Pocket Watch
Lovely Genie Double Silver Earrings
Lovely Genie Silver Pointed Slippers
Valiant Knight
Outlaw Biker Pants - Ashe
Lovely Genie White Bangled Bra
Sakura Blossom Hairpin
Biancamella 2nd Gen
Ahh... I love that halo of the Biancamella's. lD
But anyway. I am off! It is extraordinarily nice outside for April, and I don't want to miss out! Ciao. x3