Just so you all know this is a story that I've been doing on quizilla, so I thought that I would post it on here too.
Within Darkness
Main Character- Raven Hauman She is 15 years old and is not your average teenager. She is mature beyond her years. She doesn't fit in with other people her age for obvious reasons like the way she dresses and her view on life. Her family is just moving to a new town and she'll be going to a knew school. She doesn't really care about school, she gets okay grades and all but it's such a hassle to be forced to associate with other people. Going to a knew school she'll have to get to know people, there will deffinately be critics everywhere. She's used to this, but no matter how used to some things to you are, you never stop hating them.

This is one of my drawings of her, it's pretty crappy quality but eventually I will have more that look better. (which means not just doodles in my school notebook)
FullMoonForest_42 · Sat Apr 05, 2008 @ 05:33pm · 0 Comments |