Ok, i just got up from the most awesome dream last night. I believe it started off me and my secret agent partner, who i think was my friend Hayden, and the villain's quirky, Japanese assistant, tashi, were tracking down this evil t.v. executive who apparently kills all the losers from the game shows that he controlled. so obviously we had to bust him. Now all of a sudden we're in a warehouse (for what i think was the t.v. station) and all three of us (me, Hayden, and Tashi) have Halo 3 style shotguns. And the bad guy is a really good shot with his Arsenal of Halo 3 weapons, (i think he was using a mauler at this point, though it could've been a spiker...) but we finally knocked the gun out of his hands, and called in the agency to arrest him. After a little while i come to find out that the Executive has escaped, and has killed tashi. poor tashi... crying now i have tracked him down to a picnic for a wedding celebration, and he's in plain sight, just socializing with everyone else... and the sick part is that i think he's the groom... eek so after i decide to get to him as sneakily as i can. so i get him into a private room where i pull out my shot gun yet again and steal the ammo clip for his mauler. At this point i give him six demands, the only ones i remember being, "give my 20 bucks," "never touch another weapon again," and "turn yourself in," (yes in that order...) And little do i know that he has a video camera on revealing me pointing a shotgun at the groom's face. So he pulls a pistol and aims it at my face. it's at this point that i run like hell. i'm ducking behind the first row of about 20, 50-foot-long benches, and he doesn't hit anyone until i get to the back of the last table, where my friend liz,or Dark_sango, is. I'm 15 feet away from her and he "misses" so badly that the bullet flies straight into her mouth and out the back of her head, killing her instantly. now I'm really mad at this point. i walk into the house conveniently placed right in front of me, took a few shots in the arm, willed a sniper rifle, (halo 3 style) got it and aimed. He somehow ran or warped to about 20 feet right in front of me. I take my shot and hit him in the head, but only knocking him out, not killing him. i turn him in, and now the bride's hitting on me for some reason.... probably due to the stress of her new husband taking a severe head injury AND being arrested for over a hundred accounts of murder. And even with liz's death, it all worked out in the end.
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