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My Opinion... Dx
I think I'm always going to be one of those people that have very successful lives at whatever they do but never have a boyfriend/girlfriend. In this case, (since I am a straight person) a boyfriend. I'm not saying as of now, but seeing as things never work out, I think I should be dedicating most of my life to my work. Insteading of trying to chase people who will reject me, I can isolate myself and further my career as an artist, finallly perfecting shading and light sources so I can color by myself. :] Maybe I'll even take up watercoloring to make my drawings look even spiffier.

Even though Role Playing on Gaia takes up copious amounts of my time, it helps me further my characters as well as the ability to continue with a story line and always have future ideas as well as the ability to spontainiously create a character within seconds.

I think what I should be doing right now is trying to come up with at least one manga chapter for one of my stories... I have the program to do it, it's just the pictures are very tiny. Dx So probably what I'll be doing is enlarge them with photoshop and either me or someone else clean them up so they won't be so...icky. D<

Maybe that's what I'm ment for. :] Just continuing my life as an artist.

User Comments: [4]
Community Member

Sat Mar 22, 2008 @ 12:41am

Pretty deep thoughts, Abby.

Community Member

Sat Mar 22, 2008 @ 03:57am


Abby, Wth? Srsly?
You have just as good as a chance that I do. Jeez.. Don't make early judgements like that. It's sad. Please stop treating yourself like s**t. It's not good. And it scares me.
I love you. heart
-CAreBEar heart }

Community Member

Sat Mar 22, 2008 @ 07:30am

Pfft. I'm not gonna be aloner. I love you guys. I just need to forget the male half of the human race and continue to work. >-< I need to get BETTAHR. :]

Clara Sunaro
Community Member

Wed Feb 18, 2009 @ 12:38pm

Your so lucky ~ Your a year younger than me, like..No..almost 2! And you know what you WANT TO DO IN LIFE. Im such an a**. I think i want to be a designer, or..make my own clothes. But i cant do s**t and the moment. -Cries- DX

User Comments: [4]
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