Gaara of Naruto(always - YUM!) Edward Elric of FMA ((Hee hee..Napolian Complex)) Orochimaru or Naruto (Hellyeahevilsexy) Lust of FMA -(Evil fun to play) Boromir! of LOTR (He needs more lovin!) Rokuta from 12 kingdoms ((Yeah rotten bugger XD)) Taiki from 12 Kingdoms ((Hopelessly cute))
----currently going 6 directions at once to get-------
1) Temari Tala for Kel-chan <3 2) Kankuro Tala for Ryugen <3 3) Boromir Tala for meeee <3 4) Lust Hyena from SOA for MEE 5) Glutony Honeybadger from SOA - for Ryugen 6) Sexy KH2 things! - Zexy even...or Axel...though both...would have to be co-owned... too many people after these sexys...Orrrr....Heh...that funky dark-form sora! Blaaackkk 7) Kakurenbo cosplays!!!!