Darkness Came
I said no
You said yes
You put your hands on my body even after i threw them off
I screamed your name
Not out of lust
But in hatred
In vengence
As you completed your sin
A promise to your soul
A sentence to hell
I fought and wriggled
Beneath your tight grasp
Praying to be set free
To get away
To go...
It wouldn't help
I can't run away from your sin
It follows me everywhere
You realized your crime
And ran like the coward you are
Darkness came
And i waited for the sun to return
My innocence
My youth
My hope
Lost forever
To the man i thought i loved
No, not a man
A demon
A creature sent by the devil himself
To steal away my everything
(and no, i wasn't raped. stare Just thought i'd write about it.)