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A Dark Garden
Much like the old secret garden, this place is locked from view, except by those with a special key. In there, memories are kept fresh as flowers bloom under a crescent moon...
Eva's profile
Codename: ??? (She doesn't really have one... yet.)

Real Name: Eva(ngline) Emaria

Age: Unknown. Looks to be in her late teens

Powers: She flies, can shapeshift to a peregrine falcon (briefly) or fully human, and has a strange kind of magic that allows a variety of uses, such as illusions, telepathy, telekinesis, and seeing the future.

Strengths: Magic

Weaknesses: Hand-to-hand combat

Reference Pic (if available): Since I don't have a reference pic, I'm just going to describe her. Pale, almost white, blonde hair with blue-violet streaks in the front comes to her waist, usually braided, with long bangs in the front, with peregrine falcon feathers growing at the base of her neck. Skin is a dark tan, though there are silver designs seemingly tattooed into the skin of her upper arms, shoulders, collar bone, then clear down to the small of her back. There are also scars littering the skin of her back. Average height, she is lighter than she looks, with a dancer's build and grace. Face is oval, with well preportioned features. Her eyes are a deep blue-violet, framed by dark eyelashes. She dressed in a backless, high collar shirt (usually white) and black capris, and usually can be found barefoot. Giant peregrine falcon wings pertrude from her back when she isn't shapeshifted into her human shape. In her human shape, there are no wings, no violet in her hair, no feathers at her neck, and she covers her markings.

Background or link: She's uber secretive about her past. All she will admit to is that her father was high-born, a shapeshifter, and her mother wasn't, a simple human. As a result, she was exiled to save her family's honor. She came to another world so she wouldn't be haunted by her memories of her former life. She'll be found by Static (I've already talked with Makuta about it), who will start this whole process.

Sample RP: Hovering over the city, Eva observed the humans curiously. She really didn't understand this idea of running around, talking on these devices. At home, there would be dancers to watch, grocerys and other supplies to buy, relatives to visit in the shm'Ecl... Thinking of her home however only made her feel gloomy, especially the sad place that was the shm'Ecl. Beating her wings to lift her higher into the sky, she took glory in feeling the drafts of air beneath them, leaving her sad feelings behind for now. There were other things to interest her now, such as these iPod things...

What sort of growth potential do you see for your character? Right now, she is really confused, and doesn't understand the culture at all. She does understand justice, albeit a very flawed and strict version, and will be glad to help keep it. However, she is going to face having to deal with her half-breed statis, as well as being hassled eventually by a couple of people from her own world who reveal exactly how "high-born" her father was.

How often do you think you will rp? I'm online about four times a day.

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