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A Song I'm writing :D
Well, I've been inspired by Hora's music and wanted to try to reenact the good ole' days of Schwarz Stein. So, by doing so I'm going to be writing lyrics for a few of his songs and then going to be singing to them. I'll be singing in my imitation Kaya voice, so you'll actually hear how low my voice can get! O_O (Note: Kaya's a man).
I'll record myself and then after I'm done with all the crap, I'll put it onto YouTube. If enough people like it, I might sing it in English too. biggrin (Though it'll probably suck.)

[I in no way own any of Hora's beautiful music.]

Japanese Lyrics:

kono chiisana kousen no taiyou

mabayui bakari no hikari o watashi ni

watashi no me kara miru koto ga deki nai kinou

chiisana hon no hikari

watashi no me de shisatsu

tsure te itte kure, tsure te itte kure, tsure te itte kure


English Lyrics:

This little ray of sun
Blinding me with light
My eyes cannot function

Little beams of light
Stabbing at my eyes
Take me, take me, take me


[[Do I suck at writing songs? biggrin ]]

[[I used a translator, too lazy to actually like, make it all whatever. I'll sing the Japanese like that. If anyone Japanese wants to translate it correctly, kudos to you! heart ]]

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