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wednesday febuary twentith two thousand eight
hey guys!!! [and girls!]
well ya.....today was ok...i guess...
boring just the same but im going on vacation in like 3 weeks and i can't wait.....
while u all sit home and rot im gonna b sittin on the beach with my cousins and sisters.... [i say that in the nicest possible way!!]
today my friend katy lent me a book called CRANK and it was really good....i started reading it during 1st period and finished it at like 3:30 when i was home....it was that good!!! so ya and she is bringing in the sequel tom. its called glass....
CRANK is really meth and its about his girl who spends her summer with her absentee dad and he does it and the she gets hooked and it REALLY GOOD.....
u gotta check it out....they are written by ellin hopkins or something like that!!
there are these other books that is a trilogy ...the first one is called TWILIGHT the second is called NEW MOON and the third is called ECLIPSE....they are REALLY REALLY AWESOME!!! so ya....def. check them out!!

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