Just felt like talking today. So guess what? I AM GOING TO MEGACON!!!!! I am sooooooooo excited! I could like kill a baby, i am so irrational right now. I even get to cosplay as Tobi from the Akatsuki in Naruto Shipuuden! Huzzah! AND it is right before my birthday! The big 17 is coming up. *eerie music plays in the background as smoke billows in seemingly from mid air*
Bad things:
I have a cold. Woohoo! gonk
I am "Assistant Stage Manager" for Beauty and the Beast at school (i know....how cliche can you get?)
I am dating a guy I have no feelings for just so that he will take me to Prom.
I would go stag to Prom but no one else is so that would be awkward.
The guy is really nice and all but he reminds me of my Dad.
NONE of my other guy friends are in any way going to Prom= no one to talk to at all!
I sit at a table with all guys (meaning I am the only girl, for you slow people) and none of them as any inclination of asking anyone, especially their good friend Me, to Prom ever. (this does not mean that I have any romantic feelings for them, its just annoying)
After all of my fuss over wanting a boyfriend I get this guy who, despite his niceness and financial status, has no self esteem and I like confident guys. I like a guy to know where he is going to take me on a date, how much it will cost and already have planned what we are going to do. Confidence is key for me! I am not saying that I myself am a person with low self esteem but with my cynical attitude to most everything I need someone who will pull me into his arms and know that my knees will buckle from the sheer romance of it all. Let's say for instance, Duckie from Pretty in Pink. He is funny, witty, knows how to make you happy and is confident in doing so. When he kisses what's her name in the club to try to make Andy jealous and you see her knees buckle, that is the moment I am searching for. A person with a strong enough character that he is willing to grab me and throw all dignity away just for the sake of the moment and the thrill of holding me in his arms. Patrick Swayze in either Dirty Dancing or Ghost, in both he is a strong capable person who would willingly grab you just because he wants to hold you. Cary Elwes in the second half of The Princess Bride (after he has gone off to be Dread Pirate Roberts) comes back to Buttercup as a changed man, a man of confidence which exudes from him freely as they venture through the fire swamp. In reality I have met very few men/teens of this type. I had this friend who I knew liked me and would have grabbed me in a heartbeat were it not for his loyalty to his girlfriend. I respect that too. When I say confidence I don't mean arrogance or pompousness. I mean confidence in terms of love for a person. My ideal man is confident enough in his love for me that even if we don't know eachother all that well, he knows by some subconcious power that if he pulls me into his arms, I will fall for him without question. There is this scene in some later episode of Eureka Seven that I watched dubbed and the leader of the crew and his on again off again girlfriend are having a fight on some place where they used to meet way back when. Anyway the fight reaches a crescendo and she turns to walk away and he grabs her by the wrist, swings her around and pulls her close for the most awe-inspiringly romantic embrace I have ever seen. And just by this one act he entirely saves their relationship for the time being because that simple turn and pull allowed all of her feelings for him to erupt from her and transfer itself into the kiss. All that took was the confidence to take her into his arms and the reckless abandon to actually do it.
I really got off track. Haha. Well I best be shoving off for the slumber steamboat. G'night all!
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Holy Pigglesworth, Batman!