I'm sure most of you have heard about the name signs that I've been going on and on about on my profile. Yep, I'm that obsessed. Name signs are basically signs with your name on it. Yes, I started this first so whoever says they did, SCREW THEM. If interested, please
private message me with the words "Name Sign" or "I Want One!" or anything related to wanting name signs. Haha, that sounds somewhat corny.
Please continue reading below for more specific details.What You Need On Your Message:First, be sure to have a
subject (so I know what the message is about. Common knowledge, yeah?) It can just say "Name sign" or "I want one" or whatever necessary.
On your message body, I want you to include:
The text you want on your name sign! (i.e. "Kenny", "BakeCake", etc). It can be anything you want, but nothing super long (like "betchwantstoplayhookeywithhermomsoshewilllookrad"
wink because that's 1. unnecessary, 2. rude, 3. long. It won't fit anywhere.
A type of design/style/font type! For example, graffiti style, that L from Death Note style, a really Emo/punk/goth/metal style, etc. If you don't say any of this, I will ignore EVERYTHING. Haha, just kidding. I'll just do whatever I want (possibly the more recent popular ones requested from others)
Size! Size really depends on the font design. There's large, medium, small, and tiny. Yes... those are the sizes. If the size is not included on the message, I'll just go with medium. That's the most decent size.
Color! I hope you're really reading this, because you've been TRICKED! There is no color! Just plain black. Haha, if you request for red or pink, then NO COLORS FOR YOU CUZ IT'S ALL GOING TO BE BLACK. Sorry. And also, it's just going to be words. WORDS WORDS WORDS.
What You Need To Know:
The background color will only be in white! That's the most reasonable color. Who doesn't like white?! Nobody doesn't!! Who would want green or blue? If you ask for green or blue, you're not getting it. It's only possible for white. White is the new green/blue/any other color. Except black. Black and white match. Common knowledge!
There will be no cute pictures on the name sign! Please do not ask for ladybugs or butterflies or cute cows. First of all, I can't computer draw them! It's IMPOSSIBLE for me. Yeah, no cute pictures. But you CAN edit them yourself and draw a horrifying pig yourself. I am not against your angst. (That sentence is irrelevant but it looks nice with this paragraph. Oh, who am I kidding? YOU OF COURSE!)
This is similar to the thing above, but again, YOU MAY EDIT THE NAME SIGN! I do not care if you mess it up for yourself and show it to your friends who say it's hawt but is actually lying so you won't feel bad, it's your own once I message/comment you back with the sign! The only thing you can NOT do is tell everyone how retarded you are, because you're not! (Does that raise your self-esteem?)
That's all for now. I will update this more. (
Oh God is what you're thinking, right? -_-)
Please either request by commenting, PMing, or trading. But really, no one trades. For faster results, just PM. Thank you!
And one more thing, the most important thing actually,
THIS IS 100% FREE! biggrin Please enjoy. If not satisfied, I will try to redo it until your heart's consent. Although it's free, donations and/or gifts are gladly accepted. And it might take a while depending on the line (if any) or if I'm online.