5 Current states
Current status: Sick. Current thing I am looking forward to: Actually going to the play
Current mood: Sad. Aiyori-chan can't go!
Current craving: Gummi bears. And steak.
Current lovers: N/A
Current extras: I have a godfather!~
5 Bests
Best friend: Don't really have one? There's Aiyori, Siah, Kaggy, Godfather, Kie, Kai, & Su-chan. For starters...
Best memory: Don't have on of those either! But most recent best memory- Siah's b-day parteh!~
Best pet: A dog?
Best accesorie: WT fragn monster? Who accesorizes anything?! ..But I guess my black and white hat.
Best song: ....Uhm...well, there's Head on Collision, Natsukage, Tong Hua, Three cheers for five years, himitsu kichi, and ect.
4 facts
Fact #1 (something about yourself now): I'm not wearing socks!
Fact #2 (Something u once had): Five goldfishers!
Fact #3 (Something about your plans): I plan to go to college.
Fact #4 (Something no one else knows 'bout but u): I buried something in teh ground once. ._.
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