Each question is 5 points - Answer like this: 1.A - Got it? #7 is your own answer so answer like this: 7.(insert name here)
1.What's My first name? A:Jacqueline B:Hope
2.What's my last name? A:Owings B:Jordan
3.Who was my last boyfwend? A:Josh B:Brandon
4.What's my middle name? A:Hope B:Jacqueline
5.How old am I? A:12 B:15
6.Am I emo? A:Yes B:No
7.How do I love the mostest? (Whatever you think) A:
8.Where do I live? A:BayCity,TX B:LakeJackson,TX
9.What's my favorite band? A:Hawthorne Heights B:From First To Last
10.What's my second favorite band? A:From First To Last B:30 Seconds To Mars
11.What's my favorite site? A:Vampirefreaks B:Subeta C:GaiaOnline
12.What grade am I in? A:6th B:8th
13.Who am I in love with? A:ApatheticReject B:EmoBoyLovesYou
14.What was the name of my closest fwend that died? A:Kade Alan Wohleber B:Casey Calvert
15.What was the day he died? A biggrin ecember 9, 2007 B:June 28, 2007
16.What do I love the MOST out of these two? A:Emo Boys B:Me and a DROP DEAD SEXY emo boy, sneeking out and going to the park and getting the rest of our fwends and playing at the park (lol), and swinging on the swings, and then one of the other HOT emo boy and the DROP DEAD SEXY emo boy making out and me acually getting it on video, then me and the DROP DEAD SEXY emo boy making out..and all this happening at night...
17.What do I want to wear the most SOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad right now? A:Makeup B razz reppy clothes
18.Am I a christan? A:Yes B:No
19.Do I go to a....Privite School or a Public School? A razz rivite School B razz ublic School
20.Am I gunna be in a band next year? A:Yes B:No
Ok, I will give out the scores when I recive the comment notification(s).
~.:Hope:.~ AKA <3 xXEmoxEyelinerXx <3
xXEmoxEyelinerXx · Sat Feb 16, 2008 @ 01:35am · 0 Comments |