Im Allison. I hate it when people call me this guy i know....I call him Brenda. ONe of my best frineds Carli happens to be dating him....but anyways...all of my friends on gaia i if you are reading this and you are wanting to learn something about me then pay attion. If you really care then you would read on..cause no one cares a lot about me..only maybe carli and Laura. If You are reading this and You care about post a comment saying you do and i will add you're name anyways i am Allison. I'm on the computer right now.... as Laura would say "thanks for stating the ovious, again!" i do that a lot i say things that everyone knows and i tell the ovious. If your phone ever rings aroung me i will say " hey...i think your phone in ringging" and once it rained...duh...but was raining and i dont rember who i was with and i told then it was raining. They looked at me like i was the stupidest person they ever saw. I hate not that stupid. I mean i may not be smart but im sure not stupid. I like to play the guitar. My mom yells at me a lot. When this happens...(24/7) to my room. take out Fall Out Boy cd..and teach my self to play it...I know a lot of songs by now...If you ask me to play you better make me pissed first. When people get mad at me i play. Like i had this really bad fight with my friend Kylyn....we were really close...i mean really close...i got mad that she forgot about me this time...and we stoped being friends for a wile...we are friends now....i miss seeing her everyday...she moved to the 30 min away from my home. I love my church. Its the best. I got every Wednsday and Sunday night. Its so fun. a Christain and i dont curse...or do anything bad....i love Christian rock...and i went to a Christian rock concert..i got hugs from the famous people...i will show you...:

Seventh Day Slumber

Marcus from Inhabited

Article One

I had so much fun. I will never forget that day. I got their autograph too! on band there was a band called Piller. They are really our youth Church started a moshpit! one kid broke his hand and we left early. I was so mad cause i missed a band called Skillet. They sing a really cool song called Last Night. As a church we are getting ooff of school early a friday and going to Tampa for two days. We are going camping. Last camping thing we had we wernt aloud to use the we had a Soda drinking contest who cant drink the most gallons. Then we found out that we couldnt use the toliet...a kid named Jacob drank 7 he had to pee really bad....he peeed in a soda Jug. The girls had their own tens. He threw his urin into my tent. No One wanted to touch it to get it out. So that whole night we had Jacob's pee in our tent. That night we put a lock on their tent. We put shaving cream around the tents. We TP ed their tents and the guys who could drives cars. We hid the keys so they couldnt get in. They were so mad. and I loved it. We went to camp in Georgia this summer for a week. My friends and I entered the talent show...we got 3ed place...not bad out of 500 kids. And to top it all off...i keep on saying...