But anyway. So it turns out I accidentally paid for the wrong item. xD
I used buy now for two things: an L Nendoroid, and a Light Nendoroid. Thinking that I could retract my bid with the Light one, I deleted it from my list of items to pay for. So I went in and paid for the L one.
So a day after I posted my woes of shopping, a package comes in from Hong-Kong. Surprised, I opened it to reveal the Light Nendoroid. Apparently, someone got confused, and the payment I made went to paying for Light.
Laughing idiotically, I went back and paid for L. I feel a little sheepish now, but eh. Whatever. Just glad that all got cleared up. x3
Now I have Light, and he's so much fun! >w<
I'll take pictures and update later. :3
My camera sucks. Every picture I took ended being blurry. Dx
So, you all will have to suffice with the amazingness that is generic imagery, brought to you by Google Images! xD

That is my Light Yagami. He's so adorable! And the way you change the expressions: well, you pull apart his hair, remove the head inside, and put a different one in! It was the strangest thing to discover this, but hey, it works. :3
So now you see what I waste my money on. Stay tuned for my further adventures. Maybe I'll screw E-bay up again. xD
((Ryuk is not included with Light, unfortunately. He comes with his own screwed-up Nendoroidness.))