so its...about 12noon right now and ive been up since 9:30 or sumthin...been on gaia all day cus i hav nothin better to do.. i feel lyk eating my hand because of the crap im writin...sooooo...hav u ever left a packet of gummy bears in the car for a couple of days? i did,,, they all melded together to make a blob that had gummybear pattern in it...tasted pretty nice actually. i just killed 2 mins writing this....hopin to take away another five b4 i hav to do an interview of somethin i wasnt even listening to.. smash brother brawl is coming out on the wii soon? sorry random thoughts are going through my mind and im just writing them i getting payed for this? 40g? thats all i get? s**t! PAY ME MORE!....ok bye...i hope i never write in this journal again
smigget · Sat Feb 02, 2008 @ 12:54am · 4 Comments |