I'll be starting high school in about 3 weeks from now. And I still haven't done an audition for the art high school... I'm not even sure if they want me in or not. Also, I just finished a while ago chooing my classes and that was pritty neat. I hope to learn more about art this year and learn alittle spanish. Also, their are now rugs here because this is a old house so my mom bought some rugs. Mine are a bright blue, and I like em because it reminds me of the ocean. I'm waiting for the people to approve my art in the art arena so more people can see my art and give me comments so I can improve. I realy like it at the new house, but their are a lot of bugs and lizards. And for the lizards it's mating season so their will be soon a lot of little lizards. I already am missing ALL my friends and I have to start my life over YET again. Mom said that she hopes that we will stay here long enough for me to finish high school here. I'm hoping that I can get so good with art that I can make a career out of it, but I still need llllooooooootttttttssssssss of practice. But "Practice makes perfect" right?
Rinoga · Wed Jul 13, 2005 @ 06:09am · 0 Comments |