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From the mind of a hamster.
Little thoughts a hamster would like shared
Woo hoo!
Yay! I'm getting married! I'm getting married!! I'M GETTING MARRIED!!! Well not til june 10th after I'm 18, but still i'm now engaged. whee *Sigh* I feel older now. Plus I have a lot to do now to plan for my wedding. Gotta figure out guest list, where the wedding gonna be, find a priest or minister, get dress for me and brides maids, loose a few pounds to look better, get a nice cake, and still have to decide other things. So much work is gonna be done. As soon as I can get a job I gotta save up for stuff. As excited as I am, I'm also just as nervous. I actually don't like big groups of ppl, but this one of those rare special events that call for it. Hee hee... my future initials will spell jam. 4laugh Well, instead of waisting time i should work on the guest list... l8r dayz..

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jul 13, 2005 @ 05:58pm
i would reccomend eric groo for the minister, but hes umm... about 8 states away... sweatdrop

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