-- YOUR HERITAGE: mostly german and Irish, although i was born and raised in good ol' corrupted USA! -- THE SHOES YOU WORE TODAY: SNEAKERS! -- YOUR EYES: blue and green they change colors -- YOUR WEAKNESS: why tell you? -- YOUR FEARS: fear itself, thinking inside the box, the clown IT, needles,realy big bugs with stingers -- ONE THING YOU'D LIKE TO ACHIEVE: dont know right now
-----------------WHAT IS------------------
-- YOUR THOUGHTS FIRST WAKING UP: Stupid F-ing alarm clock -- THE FIRST FEATURE YOU NOTICE IN THE OPPOSITE SEX: Eyes -- THE FIRST FEATURE YOU NOTICE IN THE SAME SEX: same as above -- YOUR BEST PHYSICAL FEATURE: Don't really know...my tummy i guess...*shugs* -- YOUR BEDTIME: Whenever I feel like it -- YOUR GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT: I don't know...
-----------------YOU PREFER------------------
-- PEPSI OR COKE: PEPSI! -- MCDONALD'S OR BURGER KING: Mcdonald's -- SINGLE OR GROUP DATES: no preference -- ADIDAS OR NIKE: no preferences -- CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA: vanilla -- CAPPUCCINO OR COFFEE: Cappuccino -----------------DO YOU------------------
-- SMOKE: NO -- HAVE A CRUSH(ES): Yes -- WHO ARE THEY: why would I tell you? -- DO YOU THINK YOU'VE BEEN IN LOVE?:yes -- WANT TO GO TO COLLEGE: Yes -- WANT TO GET MARRIED: eventually -- TYPE WITH YOUR FINGERS ON THE RIGHT KEYS: sometimes -- GET MOTION SICKNESS: nope -- THINK YOU'RE ATTRACTIVE: ... -- THINK YOU'RE A HEALTH FREAK: lol no -- GET ALONG WITH YOUR PARENTS: only my mom, my dad should die -- LIKE THUNDERSTORMS: I love them i love to go outside in the rain... -- PLAY AN INSTRUMENT: used to play the piano,violin,sort of the guitar, and I can play the radio
------------HAVE YOU EVER-------------
-- DRANK ALCOHOL: didnt realy like it -- DONE A DRUG: only taken my medicines -- GONE SHOPPING: Yup -- EATEN SUSHI: Yes didn't like it -- BEEN ON STAGE: Yes -- GONE SKATING: Yes -- MADE HOME MADE COOKIES: Yes -- DYED YOUR HAIR: never -- STOLEN ANYTHING: *shifty eyes* maybe.... -- FLOWN IN A PLANE: yeah -- MISSED SCHOOL BECAUSE IT WAS RAINING?: Yes, woo! -- TOLD A GUY/GIRL THAT YOU LIKED THEM?: yeah -- CRIED DURING A MOVIE?: yes -- EVER THOUGHT AN ANIMATED CHARACTER WAS HOT?: guilty -- HAD AN IMAGINARY FRIEND: once didnt need her just got bord of being in the hopital for 6 weeks... -- CUT YOUR HAIR: Not if I can help it -- HAD CRUSH ON A TEACHER?: Hell no -- BEEN CALLED A TEASE: yep. -- GOTTEN BEATEN UP?: nope -- SHOPLIFTED: never
-----------------THE FUTURE------------------
-- NUMBERS AND NAMES OF CHILDREN: dont know at least two -- DESCRIBE YOUR DREAM WEDDING: i don't know yet, i'm still young. -- HOW DO YOU WANT TO DIE?: not sure, dont plan too -- WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP? photographer -- WHAT COUNTRY WOULD YOU MOST LIKE TO VISIT: gemany,ireland, italy, pairis, and japan/ china
-----------------OPPOSITE SEX------------------
-- BEST EYE COLOR: no preference -- BEST HAIR COLOR: No preference -- SHORT OR LONG HAIR: short-ish -- BEST HEIGHT: little taller than me -- BEST WEIGHT: As long as you don't have to grease down the doorway hopfully a bit muscular -- BEST FIRST DATE LOCATION: dont know -- BEST FIRST KISS LOCATION: somewere at least a little romantic ----------------FAVORITES------------------
-- SHAMPOO: uhhh pantien provee or sumtin -- FAV COLOR: purple!!! and CROME!!!! -- SUMMER/WINTER: tough one both bad seasons for my skin, but what can i say i love them both! -- LACE OR SATIN: satin -- FAVE CARTOON CHARACTER: Gir from invader zim! followed clossly by eeyeor -- FAVE FOOD:um i don't know -- FAVE MOVIES: Action, Comedy, romance(sometimes). -- FAVE SPORT: SWIMMING! recreational only.
----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
-- WEARING: lets see dark kue jeans and a pepsi tee.... -- DRINKING: Soda -- THINKING ABOUT:this question -- LISTENING TO: my rafrigerator hummm and a song playing over and over in my head
---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
--------FRIENDS AND LIFE----------------
-- DO YOU EVER WISH YOU HAD ANOTHER NAME?: On occasion. -- DO YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIEND?: Yep ^_~. -- DO YOU LIKE ANYONE?: Who doesn't? -- WHICH ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS ACTS THE MOST LIKE YOU?: uh no idea...i hope no one, what fun would it be to be like everyone else.
BornFromMyth · Sat Jan 26, 2008 @ 05:31pm · 0 Comments |