I still haven't done anything with that poem. Lately I've had no drive to do anything. stare
Now one of my best friends and I aren't really talking.....
She's always complaining that all her friends left her, completely ignoring that I'm right there, and now I'm hanging out with other people alot more and she's getting all jealous and flipping out saying they stole me. And she said it at our lunch table where we both were sitting. She is really getting on my nerves.
In other news, yesterday night my Mom, my sister, and I went to this really cool dance by a group named Philidanco. It was really cool and artistic. I just love when people can dance and be in tune with music so well that you feel so many different emotions just from it. I loved it!
Just so you all know.....my birthday is comming up really soon! It is February 4th! I can't wait....but the party......all this contravercy going on is going to make it a pain...... emo
FullMoonForest_42 · Fri Jan 25, 2008 @ 09:42pm · 0 Comments |