FFFFFI think I did really good on my portfolio presentation, because I was in a group of four, including me, and I had the best portfolio. The people in my group where morons, they didn't even finsih it, I was the only in my group.
FFFFFI went to the doctor with my aunt today, I wasn't getting checked up it was her and my baby cousin, my aunt had to get her tooth taken out because it started rotting, when the dentist put the anesthetic in her mouth, her body kept on rejecting it and then when the dentist started to digest her tooth my aunt felt it. After that my cousin had got his check-up, the doctor found out he had a hurnea (how does a baby get a hurnea?) after that he had to get his flu shots, when the gave him the shots, he was literally the same color as Elmo, he had his Elmo doll next to him, I felt so bad because I had to hold him down because my aunt was dizzy from the dentist. I wanted to pick him up and just hold him because I love him so much and I hate it when he cries. Thats it for now, so until tommorrow, i'll tell you guys how my Science quartly went.