When some one says meet me here you meet them there if some one says that they will be there you wait
If you wait there forever and they don't show up should you still wait?
You find they left with out you what do you do?
Dunno but it is sad to the point of tears.
You wait and wait then find they aren't coming you wasted the time for people who don't even care.
You feel like your world caves in when you find out because you thought they were your best friends, but I guess together they are in there own little world and they leave you out completely.
Can you deal with the stupidity of some one who skips school to hangout with a friend on finals week?
Friends who promise to be there hangout and go do things with leaving you in the dust waiting for them.
What would you call those kinds of people?
What if it wasn't the first time they did this?
Should you forgive them this time too just to have it happen again later?
If you came second in this little thing just so they could be happy would you hangout with them still?
Would you flake on them to get them back..... no you have more class then that you were taught better right?
People who don't care if you are alone or have issues with being left are they really friends?
If you loved them and they told you they loved you back are they still friends or are they just saying that not to hurt feelings?
If the people who did this to me read this think about it what if it happened to you would you try to justify what happened with the simple "we thought you said this" or would you get as pissed as I did?
I'm as pissed as hell, but I still wont do what you did to me back to you because it messed up.
Glad to know you care so much.
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