*Name On Birth Certificate: Alyssa; it's an okay name....can't think of me with any other....
*Nicknames: Ara, Ara-chan, Lyssa, Cave Dweller(inside joke! Hah! XD)...that's all really....
*Star sign: Scorpio. I am evil, hear me ROAR.
*Birth stone: Topaz
*School: Atascocita Middle
*Future college: Possibly Houston...or any other one with a good literature program
*Location: As said above, Houston
*Email: alyssaschomber@att.net
*Cell phone number: Wouldn't matter if you knew it or not for I have no cell phone
*License plate number: XD Feh. If I had a car maybe....
*Colour of eyes: Hazel Blue, they change to dark green at night and after I cry
*Shoe Size: 8 1/2 to a 9
*You live with: Mummers, Futhers Brothers(XD just one!), Kitties...Fuzzles...Fishles...Snailsels...
------------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
*Missed school because it was raining: XD Hah. I wish.
*Put a body part on fire for amusement: ....am not a pyro...never will be...but enemy is oven, it is...
*Been in a car accident: No, thankfully.
*Been hurt emotionally: Eh....Araka is sensitive so Araka cannot exactly answer this question....
*Kept a secret from everyone: I guess it matters the secret. I usually blurt secrets out if they're not that big...so...never really....
*Had an imaginary friend: XD Actually, no. I tried to have one once but it just never worked out...I kinda knew the difference between real and fake even at a young age...
*Cried during a Movie: Of course! I cry at the silliest parts. xD Even when they're not remotely sad...they are to me! Hah!
*Laughed so hard you puked?: Heh...no...I refrain from bringing up regurgitated food and organs the best I can...
*Ever thought an animated character was hot: ...of course....I am a fangirl...of many...but I am not overly obssessed like many get...I do not "own" a certain one...
*Been on stage: Yes. As an Elementary Child. But the stage is not my friend. So I stray as far as possible away.
*Been sarcastic: All the time. I am Sarcasm Queen. Bow.
*Gotten in trouble for PDA (public display of
affection)?: No...do not have a boyfriend to get in trouble FOR it.
*Shampoo: Pantene
*Fav color: Dark Blue
*Summer/Winter: Winter
*Cartoon Characters: gah....no...I refuse to name them all...most are Bishounens by the by so...no use...
*Muppet: XD Hah. YODA. 'Cause he was made by the same guy....
*Kids song: I suppose I must agree with Shizu on this one....Twinkle Twinkle indeed...
*Drink: SPRITE. The Holy God of Soft Drinks. Universal as Coke but with less caffeine...w00t!
*Song: Gah. There is no possible way to answer this...but I DO love Concrete Angels by Martina McBride...
*Type of music to listen to while studying: I do not study. It's sad, really, but even if I did. I would need concentration and music would drag me away....
*Makeout cd/song: ....do people ACTUALLY have songs to makeout to? I swear...
*Ice Cream?: VANILLA.
*Meal: French Fries and Ketchup. 'Tis all.
*Subject: English
*Joke: Jokes are below me. I destroy your self esteem with my Sarcasm. 'Tis all.
*College ruled or wide: I have NO idea what you're talking about....O.o
*Person(s): I do not favorite people. 'Tis wrong. My friends and Family, I guess, if you so must know.
*Thing to do when you're bored: I don't get bored easily, actually. But if I do, I usually take time to grab something blunt, like the corner of this book here, and gouge my eyes out....
*Hang out spot: Laptop. Is said.
*Girls name: Amy
*Boys name: I have many...I'm sorry...one cannot be named...
*Dating activity/spot: Sorry. No dates. No boyfriend. Nothing.
*Chick Movie Star: ...no one at current time? O.o
*Guy Movie Star: Johnny Depp? ^^
*TV show: Too many, sorry yet again.
---------------RIGHT NOW------------------
Wearing: White T-shirt, dark blue jean shorts, socks. Boring am I not?
*I'm feeling: Good I suppose. Hesitant to leave my Cave to go see Fantastic Four with my Grandparents...
*Eating: Nothing.
*Drinking: Sprite. Of course.
*Thinking about: Everything that can be thought.
*Talking to?: No one. Maybe you? I dunno.
*What is in your attic?: Everything that we must store away.
*Who else is in the house with you?: Brother, Mummers, possibly Futhers?
*What is on your computer desk?: Pens. Wires connected to laptop, microphone, fan, pictures of the sort, and figurines.
---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
*Cried: No. Stop ruining my utter good mood!
*Sneezed: Hah. No.
*Had the hiccups: Nooooooooo.
*Met someone new: Of course not. No one's allowed into my Cave without permission....
*Cleaned your room: Heh. What's to clean?
*Drove a vehicle: If I could drive.
*Cleaned your car: If one was in my possession.
*Eaten something you regretted later: Not yet...but you're highly jinxing me...
*Emailed someone: This morning wif forwarding stuff from Mummers...
*Been shopping: Nope. *hisses* The mall is evil if not for Manga....
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------
* Yourself: If need be yes, but most of the time not really. I believe I WILL become a well known author only because I was given this ability to write and so I will use it to its greatest potential. That is all. *bows*
* Santa Claus: XD Stalker is one. Watches you he does. Yoda kicks his a**. Is my Santa Claus, Yoda is. Creepy thought, that.
* Tooth Fairy: Hah, hah. No. Mummers fault. Didn't tell her about losing the tooth and just put it under pillow. Realized then that TF wasn't really.
* Ghosts: Yes, actually. Believe I've seen a few, maybe...
* Angels: Of course!
* UFO's: Not really. I doubt "aliens" would come in such a badly shaped spacecraft. I'd expect more style....
* the paranormal: If you mean ghosts? Yes. Aliens? Possibly. UFO's? No.
* the Bermuda Triangle: I don't remember what that is...but...probably not....
--------------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
* Do you have a soul mate?: Out there somewhere. Hopefully.
* Do you like anyone?: No. Wish I did but I don't.
* Who have u known the longest of your friends: My good friend Tracey. I've known her since I was four, I think. She lives down the street.
* The shyest: Um...Judy? Gloria? I dunno. Maybe me? My friends are a bit whack...
* Who's the weirdest: *cackles* ALL OF US! WE ARE THE FREAKS, MY FRAN'S, FREAKS!
* What is the best feeling in the world: I guess it's when you make someone that was currently sad happy...though I dunno if I have EVER done that before...
* Worst Feeling: Guilt. Mine eats at me at all sides like a piranha at dinner time.
* Weirdest feeling: Homesickness. At least, I think that's what that is. It used to pop out of nowhere in the wierdest places and at the wierdest times...
* What is your life philosophy?: Um...let's see: Live out life the best you can, where you go after death does not matter now. Heaven and Hell are like different planes of existance created by you and you alone. Live by heart and not by mind, how you feel may be more important than what you think.
-----------ABOUT GUYS---------------
* Boxers or briefs: Who cares?
* good or bad guy: I don't want a murderer if you know what I mean...
* hat or No Hat: Does it matter?
* Ears pierced or not: Eh...doesn't matter really...they may look hot with it though...
* Tan or fair: Doesn't matter here either...
* Stubble or neatly shaved: Neatly shaved. I dunno...my skin crawls at the weird feeling that stubble makes....
* Rugged or sporty: Uh? Matters not.
* Accent or not: <3 Aussie and British as Shizu said. But he'd be alright without one.
* You call him, or the guy calls you: We probably wouldn't call each other! Phones are evil and I do not call people unless they call me. We'd probably chat over the internet
* Favorite pick up line: I cackle at pick up lines. They're just so stupid...
--------ABOUT GIRLS --------------
I dunno WHY I'm doing this one...I just am...
* Regular underwear or thong: Underwear? I don't know HOW girls wear those thongs....
* Painted nails or not: Not.
* Bra or sports bra: Bra?
* Cute n' mysterious or wild n' crazy: Neither.
* Dressy or casual: Casual.
* Dark or blonde hair: I actually like dark hair better...
* Dark or light eyes: Whichever looks better with the hair...
* Hat or no hat: Doesn't matter.
* Good or bad girl: Good?
* Intelligent or average: Intelligent I suppose.
* Hair up or down: Doesn't matter.
* Jewelry or none: None.
* Tall or short: Tall?
* Curly or straight hair: Both are good.
* Pants or dress: Pants.
* Tan or fair: Doesn't matter.
* Freckles or none: Well...they're both okay...I guess the face matters...
* Accent or Not: Accents rock. Is all I have to say.
* Shy or outgoing: Mixture.
She calls you, or you call her: I call no one, no one calls me.
----------FOR EVERYONE TO FILL OUT-----------------
* Silver or gold: I like both really...gold or silver...can't choose...
* Diamond or pearl: I like diamonds but I wouldn't wear them other than in my earrings for the life of me.
* Fur (fake or real) or felt: Eh....
* Sunset or sunrise: The beginning of a new day, the ending of another. Both beautiful so I really cannot choose between the two.
* Have you ever gone skinny dipping: Feh. FEH I say. No. No-ddy No No.
* Do you sleep with stuffed animals: YES! <3 My Bunny! He's almost as old as I am, about my brother's age, 11 or so. And he's falling apart but Bunny's still awesome.
* Have you ever broken/fractured a bone: No. I've been lucky so far.
* Do you have any piercings?: My ears.
* Rain, sun or snow?: Rain is pretty but hurts head, sun is nice but skin cancer I might get, snow I like but hardly ever see.
* How is the weather right now?: On and Off Rainy.
* Do u like Cookies?: YES.
* Cake or Pie: ....pie I don't eat that often....cake I don't either....Neiboth?
* What makes you happy?: My friends, all sorts of things.
* Are you too shy to ask someone out?: YES. That would be bad. I couldn't do that. It's not that I wouldn't have the guts...well...no...that's pretty much it....
* What's the stupidest thing you have ever done?: Ugh...must I list?
* Who will respond to this email: This is not an email. You do not remember one thing you read. You will now wake up with no remembrance of prior readings. Goodbye. And have a nice day!
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Suburban Jesus
High upon the chainlink cross.
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[b:12e73381be]Crimson lights the sky, the bird still asleep
Like a dream it shines, from heaven's safe keep
Childrens songs we sung, as soft as the breeze
Endless fields, our home, I long for those days...[/size:12e73381be]
Like a dream it shines, from heaven's safe keep
Childrens songs we sung, as soft as the breeze
Endless fields, our home, I long for those days...[/size:12e73381be]