Got a whole lot less of cash this time around. Last year, I got about 300 bucks. That bought me my Wii and a game. xD
This year, it was only 80 in checks, plus 80 more in two separate prepaid Visa debits. xP
So, as I did with the one my momma gave me, it's time to do some internet shopping! =D
I already used up my 30 dollar one. It bought me a L Nendoroid and a set of cell phone straps. xD
Here's some (generic) pictures:
First off is the Nendoroid. These things are amazing in detail, for being only four inches tall. They come with interchangeable expressions, and have different poses. Usually, they cost about... forty dollars, was the cheapest I saw somewhere. But this one I got off of E-bay. xD

He cost me 19.99, and what really drove the price up was the shipping. Not that I care. I'm just glad to have found one for so low of a cost. x3
Second is the cell phone strap. I had only 9.01 left on the card, so I decided to just find something fun and small to spend it on. What that led me to was a Japanese cellphone strap site.

These are the straps I bought. You only get two (one Pretz, one Pocky), and it's totally random which kind you get of either. Still, it looked cute.
You can also get different things. They have cute little charms, and even ones oriented around the Japanese culture, such as a strap made of kimono cloth. Here's the link:
So yeah. It'll take a while for either to get here. But hey, it's worth it in my opinion. I might consider buying the other Nendoroids (Misa, Light, and Ryuk). I'm not bothering with the holiday ones. They look too silly. xD
Well, I am done. I have fifty more to spend... though I'm not activating it for a while. xP
Ciao. =D