FFFFFWell, today was boring, as usual, lol, my life is boring. Well, the good thing is that I'm not going to school tommorrow or tuesday xd and I am happy as ********, anyway I'm trying to chill ith my neighbor because I like her and I don't think she like's me but I'm trying to change that, I like her a lot and I've liked her for a while. We first started hanging out like in the summer of '05 or '06, I can't remeber, xd , but we were cool until the fall of '07, thats when she say's I did somthing that she couldn't forgive me for at the time, but I honestly don't remeber, w/e. well lately we started to chillwith each other again, and then yesterday I as gonna hang out with her again and then I asked her where she was, through a text message, and she started to say I was all up in her business all the time. Then I called her and asked her what the ******** was her problem, she said "Stop ******** cursing at me, I never curse at you, and anyway why are you alwasy on my case, s**t, you always bothering me" right then and there I hung up and haven't talked to her yet.
FFFFFI'm gonna try to patch things up with her because I want to be with her but she got me ******** pissed of and I feel like baeting the s**t out of her, all I wanted to know was, where she was because I wanted to hang out and she got o me like I killed her dog, and the other thing was that she sounded drunk, thats what else ticked me off, she didn't even bother to ask me if I wanted some, lol blaugh , but that's it for now. Maybe I'll type somthing tommorrow.