Because I like to. xD
But yes. Here's my latest one. :3

Total Value: 1,194,752 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Winged Anklets
Solar Headdress
Solar Headdress
Snow Witch
Lovely Genie Black Headpiece <3
Lovely Genie Double Silver Earrings
Lovely Genie Silver Arm Bangle <3
Lovely Genie Silver Arm Bangle <3
Lovely Genie Silver Bangle Bracelets <3
Lovely Genie Silver Bangle Bracelets <3
Enchanted Strings <3
Blushing Bride's Embroidered Bodice <3
Masterpieces <3
Devoted Pawn
Dalndox kind of influenced this one. Him and his Organization. xD
And speaking of my lovey, all items with a '<3' next to it were donated to me by him. Thank you baby. x3
Three more things to go!
Still working on my Bani quest, which is taking presidence over this for right now. xP