I'm sick. ugggh...
I hope i'll be better by tomorrow....I was feeling better, but now everytime I cough my lungs burn and my back hurts too. =.=;
I think I'll have to go see the idiot of a doctor who told me my chicken pox were mathc burns.
Yeah, because my friends really come 2 feet in front of me and flick burning matches at my neck during school. :/ :/
UGGGGGGGGH. I've been having heat spells all f*cking day!! dkghsdjgfdv
If someone would kill me now, I'd feel much much muuuuuuuuch better. D:<
Well, hopefully I'll get better, and if I get anyone else sick (I gave my son this somehow....and I don't even see him IRL O__o) then, I'll stab myself. Multiple times. It's fun. I'll post a picture of my arm, it has this uber big scar from when I took a tack off my wall and drove it into my arm a couple years ago!! Yep, it was fun. And it hurt, like s**t. 8DDD
Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin other news, I got my hair cut....for those of you who didn't know. And I'll put a picture up.....
when i feel like it. I feel like going and puking gin the toilet now....
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