The Basics xD
Name: Sanah
Nicknames: badass *courtesy of christian* and it used to be billy, super sanah
Gender: girl
Age: 14
Birthdate: April,28th
Hair Color: dark brown/black
Eye Color: dark brown/black
Height: 5'3 or something like that
Sexuality: straight
Pierceing: my ears
Tatoos: none
Heritage: I dunno
Food: dunno
Drink: soda
Time of day: morning
Season: spring
Day of week: friday
Color: purple and red
Where i live: you dont need to know
Magazine: I read any
Pet: cat
Friends: too many friends
Feelings: dont know
Your Car: I'll think about it
Crushes name: im not crushing
Grade: 9th
Style: whatevers on my body
Band: Rise Against
Movie: no idea
T.V. show: Gossip Girl, Secret Life, Degrassi, Disney Channel, Cartoon Network and Nickolodeon Stuff
Song: too many
Pastime: aim, gaia, talk on the phone, read, sleep, msn
Food: no idea
Animal: cat
Number: 4
Letter: S
~~~This or that~~~
Pepsi or coke: pepsi
McDonals or Burger King: mcdonalds
Strawberries or watermelons: i hate both
Hot tea or iced tea: both
Chocolate or Vanilla:Vanilla
Hot chocolate or coffe: hot chocolate
Kiss or Hug: hug
Dog or Cat: cat
Rap or Punk: i like both
Summer or Winter: winter
Fall or Spring: spring
Summer or Spring: summer
Winter or fall: fall
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: funny movies
Love or Money: Love
Bedtime: i dunno
Most Missed Memory: 6th grade
Best Physical Feature: i dont know, ask my friends
First Thought Waking up: I wanna go back to sleep
Goal for the Year: too many things
Best Friends: Sam,Youstina,Kasandra
Weakness: a couple things
Fears: bees
~~~Have you ever~~~
Sat on a rooftop: no
Kissed someone in the rain: no
Danced in a public place: yes (if you call school a public place... then yeah :])
Smiled for no reason: yes
Laughed so hard you cried: yes
Peed your pants after age 8: hell no
Written a song: yea it was dumb
Sang to someone for no reason: noo
Performed on stage: yes
Talked to someone you didn't know: yea I do it everyday
Made out in a theatre: no
Gone Rollerskating: no
Been in love: hell to the no
Had near death experience: yeah
Sang infront of a large audience: hell no
Ever Drank: umm...
Ever smoked: hell no
Ever smoked Pot: no
Ever been drunk: no
Ever been beaten up: no
Ever Beaten someone up: no
Ever been to therapy: nope
Ever Shoplifted: no
Ever skinny dipped: no
Ever kissed the opposite sex: yeah
Been Dumped latley: no
~~~Can you?~~~
Write with both hands: no
Whistle: no
Blow a bubble: yea
Roll your tongue: no
Cross your eyes: no
Touch your tongue to your nose: yeah
Dance: a little
Speak in a different language: yes
Impersonate someone: hell yea
Cook anything: just scrambled eggs..
Put your legs behind your head: umm no.
~~~Are you~~~
A fighter: no
A lover: yeah
A War Freak: nope
A Heartbreaker: somewhat
In Love: no
Bossy: when I need to be
Friendly: yes
![]() lilangelz428 Community Member ![]() |