My life, My thoughts, My Loves, and the drama i put up with
white christmas T_T
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, just like the ones I never knew
We haven't had a white Christmas in soo long down here, I dont even remember the last time it snowed on Christmas. I love snow soo much but I love it down here, on the eastern shore and when I get older I want to live on the island, but I also want snow and the last snow was like a month ago. crying
oh my god i no rite, we haven't had a white christmas in like more than 5 years! hehe my mom was down here when it snowed! and i wish it would snow but it really doesn't matter ne way because i get to go to new york on the 26 yey!! yea NO i better receive some calls hun or i'll kill u the next time i see u! xd
kavan333 · Community Member · Mon Dec 24, 2007 @ 10:24pm