Okay, the title should let you know that I'm going to be talking about a person who has changed a lot, one of my best friends ever... of all time! But then the part that says "sometimes," I will explain that later.
Okay, so I have a best friend named Kevin who is really pissing me off right now. Before I get into that you need to understand my friendship with him, and before that you need to understand my friendship with Shane.
Alright, let me begin. I met Shane in the fifth grade one day when neither of us had partners for PE. We were doing sit ups and I purposely did mine wrong to make her laugh; it worked. We became friends, and slowly we became best friends. One day Shane and I got in a fight so I went into the sand box and started building a sand castle while Shane played basket ball with a boy name Kevin that both of us hardly knew anything about(the only thing we knew about him was that he was a boy in our class).
Well, I was saddly sitting there making my sand castle and a boy named Tyrone (Shane's future boyfriend) came up to me and said, "Katie, Shane told me that you're not her friend anymore and that Kevin's her new best friend."
My heart sunck. I turned to him with agony visible on my face and said, "But Shane would never say that!"
He replied, "I know, I was surprised too when she told me that, but I just thought you should know."
The false sincerity in his voice half convinced me he was telling the truth, so I walked up to Shane and quietly said in my sad little voice, "Shane," I began.
She gave me a "what do you want" look (we were still in a fight, mind you)
"Tyrone told me that you don't want to be my friend anymore and that Kevin's your new best friend." I finished.
Shane's eyes widened as she shouted, "WHAT!?"
Kevin, Shane, and I chased Tyrone, yelled at him, and forced him to apologize. This was the begining of my friendship with Kevin. This was still in the beginning of the year, if you were wondering.
Kevin, Shane, and I hung out with each other every single day at recess and lunch. We were best friends, all three of us. I didn't concider Shane to be more of a friend to me than Kevin was, we were all best friends. Kevin was so nice back then...
I remember when I was feeling sad he would cheer me up, he would laugh at the jokes I made instead of making jokes about me. Shane and I mistreated him sometimes because he would do whatever we asked him to do, as long as we gave him a poptart or a dollar.
Middle School came and we separated. I was at Washington and Shane and Kevin were at Rosevelt. I missed them so much, but mostly Kevin. I could talk to Shane on the phone and I went over to her house a few times, but I had no contact at all with Kevin.
Then came high school, I was walking with my group on orientation day. The thought of seeing Kevin had crossed my mind, but I didn't think I actually would. My reaction when I saw him: No way. His reaction when he saw me: What the ********!?
Our groups were done so I went looking for him. I found him sitting on a bench and sat across from him. We talked a little (I was surprized at how deep his voice was compared to fifth grade) and we were both happy to see each other. We talked about Shane, who moved to Arkansa in seventh grade(I still talked to her on the phone every weekend at this point).
I got home that day and immediately called Shane on the phone. She was really excited that I had seen Kevin because she knew that she would get to talk to Kevin too.
We began to hang out every high school day, just like in elementary. He would just out of nowhere say, "You're awesome, Katie."
I would smile and say, "Why am I awesome?"
And he would say, "Because you're Katie, you're my bestest bud from the fifth grade."
One day, in the seccond week of school I asked Shane, who had not changed a bit (*points at the word "sometimes" in the title*), to tell Kevin I'm bi. She did and the only word he said was, "nice." I couldn't have asked for a better reaction, he was such a good friend to me. Kevin knows my deepest, darkest secret, and he's one of three people in the world that I trust.
And then Gloria came into the picture. Ever since he started dating her he's had a huge change in attitude. Instead of laughing with me, he now laughs at me. He hasn't told me I'm awesome in months. Seriously, the only conversation I can remember having with him where he didn't make fun of me was about eggplant. This is a HUGE problem for me! He used to buy me snacks at lunch and I would repay him by buying him gifts, we haven't done that in so long. I don't want to loose one of my best friends! I am though, aren't I. I hate this so much. Gloria is such a nice person, so I hate myself for saying that I wish they would break up...
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scream YESH, HE HAZ CHANGDEDED!!! scream
and the worst thing is, is that hasn't changed for the better..... emo