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But seriously, what is the internet?

Community Member
Christmas is coming up soon. That means it's closer to the end of another year. Wow. I'm getting SO old. Hehehe, no, no I'm not getting "SO old". A friend of mine once told me that women get better as they age, so that means I'm actually going to have something to look forward to.
My looks+another few years=max hotness twisted

Oh...WAIT! I knew what it was that I had originally planned to get out....I think it was a video game rant, or how basement virgins seem to be making it out of the basement to play with their Yu-gi-oh cards in libraries. Actually...I don't think it's either of those.

HAY! It was: I have no idea what I want my New Years resolution to be. I have a few ideas and I also have a week or two before I need to know for sure, so I'm good, I guess. whee

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