Skool is Out!
Finally I found time to write in here and the goody news is that..IM DONE SKOOL! CHYA CHYA wellz i didmy projects and exams and blah..tee hee i got a 95 on my parenting exam, 90 in history, 77 in ancient history and 89 in math..MATH can u believe it?! oh me goshness! das amazing maru! thankies maru! no problemo mar-mar anyhoo now dat im done talkin wid meself. hi how yall doin? ^_^ Meesa got a fan cluby like zachy does razz chya. and and da point now..ITS SUMMER is meesa gonna do for 2 months? sit in this chair which is hurting my butt and like rpg my mind out? meese no tink so buddy! maru-mar is goin out yo! she be chillin out of de hood wid her crew...where is my crew..DAMN U PPL GETTING JOBS scream i shall get one 2 pirate i shalt. chya.. anyhoo again! to da next point..maru wants a job. yes me do. i need some mooney mooney income to my pocket. cuz me wanna buy a bike and like go to the anime convention, and go to semi, and to france, and poland! but damn guy. maru's as poor as her neighbour who aint that poor lmfao. nyahaha..okies so dis was so pointless...and its like 10:40 at night and im struggling to stay awake cuz meesa waiting for my lovers call....hes taking his sweet a** time of doin it eyes r like shuttin like wachaa!
okies now me done. *muah* babee bah bye puppy poo 4laugh
Community Member
but u still know i love u