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i cant think of one right now
Just the way I feel, you dont care your not going to read it
I'm just having one of them days where all your
Friends Are are bitches and no one cares.
one of them days where you fall Down so hard
You don't even want to get back up.
One of them days that The world seems to be On the other side.
One of them days that your Heart is lost.
and Your eyes only see the pain,
Not the happy. Maybe depressed.
Maybe just sad at the moment.
either way it sucks.

I have Felt this way to much, I hate it
One day I'll be happier then I ever been
and the other I just feel like nothing matters in the world.
I hate It, I hate this So much.
Why can't I just be happy all the time.
Why does every one have to hate me.
Why Do I always feel like crying.
I think I'm just going to stop getting on gaia all together.
Only keep the Friends I know the most and that I know don't totally hate me.
Lower expectations to the worse. maybe then every thing won't be so Depressing.

Goodbye for now.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Dec 18, 2007 @ 11:49pm
Don't worry, things can only get better from here. 3nodding

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