Well, it's art in my own style.
Black and white.
No excessive add-ons.
Lined paper, mostly.
And with a written message, if you like.
What's the catch?
Well, it's not technicaly free.
I charge in LOLCATS.
Give me LOLCATS, and I shall supply you with art.
Usually within 24 hours, but ALWAYS within the week.
BUT, there's a catch within the catch.
I need special lolcats.
Either I'll tell you what specific message I would like on the image, or it'll be a mass amount, or ones I haven't seen, or just one that'd I'd like, or a special condition.
It will normally involve lolcats, and can usually be rather odd.
If I give you a request you cannot fufill, I will give you up to two more requests. The inabillity to fufill one of the three will result in no longer qualifying for free art.
PM me to ask for art and see what request I have for you.
The only thing is, I may not always fufill your request.
I may not be in the mood, not have paper/pencils, or whatever.
In that event, I will tell you to [******** off simply wait x amount of time, and I'll *probably* eventually do it.
Or I may just straight out dislike your avatar, and will simply REFUSE to draw it.
I will NOT draw over-cluttered avatars, either.
Or, if I do, your request will be much harder.
Depending on your avatar, your request could be either extremely easy, or incredibly hard.
![User Image](https://public.tektek.org/img/av/m12/d15/19/857469.png)
^Likely to require a hard request
![User Image](https://public.tektek.org/img/av/m12/d15/19/85ce67.png)
^Requires a very easy request
If you ever want me to do AN avatar, not YOUR avatar, supply me with the image.
I will also so art for 4k.
In the same format.
If, by any chance, I ever believe the art I supply you with is NOT up to my standards, I will refund part of your gold, depending on how crappy I think it is.
However, I rarely ever give anyone art below my standards, (unless I'm PMSing) so this is EXTREMELY rare.
And, if I catch you removing my watermark, I'll get revenge, trust me.
I'm not cmpletely clear on how Gaia might/might not handle this sort of thing, but, trust me, I'll find a way.
And, one more thing, if I do not like what your use for the art is to be, I will not give it to you.
So, if you want art, PM me, with this form filled out.
Are you going to do a request, or will you pay?
Do you want your avatar, or another? If another, supply me with the image. I will NOT go searching or Tekteking.
Where are you going to use it?
Would you like a message with it? If so, what is it?
Get PMing! :"D