-Yes I decided to make a charity out of no where.
I wanted to know how it feels to be pampered and give away gold and other
such wanted pixel in Gaia.
Thing is... I'm poor :[
Being rich is an essential to having a charity right?!
So yea...
Here is where I will be keeping track of everything
relating to the charity to be.
[The awesome avi of donators]
oOo_Dutchess_oOo Offered me 1k, but she's too nice...
I couldn't accept it ><!!! She's still important though!!!
Raven DragonFire for tokens and house items.
xXPiecesXx 5k -gasp-
I wanted to know how it feels to be pampered and give away gold and other
such wanted pixel in Gaia.
Thing is... I'm poor :[
Being rich is an essential to having a charity right?!
So yea...
Here is where I will be keeping track of everything
relating to the charity to be.
[The awesome avi of donators]

I couldn't accept it ><!!! She's still important though!!!


Don't follow my foot steps... I walk into walls.

Don't follow my foot steps... I walk into walls.
Community Member