This is EVIL!!! I have to read this book Howl's Moving Castle and I'm about 3/4 through. But I need the reading counts points by tomorrow! EVIL!!! Why can't we just read books that aren't reading counts?!? I hate life! If I don't get the reading counts points by tomorrow, I'll get a 2 on my report card, as in no president's award, as in no favorite student award!!! I HATE LIFE!!! Why can't we NOT take a quiz on it?!? I can't WAIT till middle school, where reading counts doesn't exist!!! STUPID BOOK!!! STUPID MOVIE!!! I HATE LIFE!!! DANG!!! Now I just figured out that reading counts DOES exist in middle school!!! It depends on what teachers I have. I HOPE I GET THE TEACHERS WHERE READING COUNTS ISN'T IMPORTANT!!!! UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 scream scream scream scream scream scream scream stressed stressed stressed stressed stressed stressed evil evil evil evil evil