Digital tier! I got half of what I want!
Mom finally stopped by the cable office and got a receiver for the TWC Digital Tier stations, like BBC America and History International. Does HI still have that show about bad historical jobs with Tony Robinson? Unfortunately, that's all she got. a receiver. She didn't realize she had to ask for the dvr. All she was asked was if she had an HD television. No mention of dvr. She misses being able to record and pause and whatnot, too, so she's going to go back sometime. I wonder how much it would cost for us to keep this receiver and get a dvr. I'd like to put the receiver on my tv. I need to write these things down so Mom can call and ask. Anyway. I don't know if I want that little ice pig in the cash shop. I've gotten all the first generation evolving items so far, but because they have the potential to become something I like. This one already looks like a pig. I don't dislike pigs, but I don't really want one, either. The spore is nifty, though. I got an OMG box and it had Tiny Pixie Wings. I don't know if I'll ever use them, but I can always sell them later. I'm tempted to spend my $20 before xmas money on Gaia cash, but I might be going to my favourite store this weekend. I'm going to change my outfit soon. I need to be more wintery. British spell check says I should use "wintry." Maybe. Hmm. I kind of want another OMG box. No, I really want another. Cats. I should set some sort of Gaia spending limit.