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Nittii's Gaia Musings
Just life in general.
Gaia's gold system sucks
I got 50 points for my first journal entry. 50 points. Please contemplate how many 50s I would need to get even a decent necklace for my Avatar (which I assure you, I definetely need). It is extremely hard to collect adequate gold points to buy anything that I would require or even like. Gaia also has the worst system for rating drawings. Do you ever feel like tearing every follicle off your hair when you read the words "you are typing too fast". Why are there so many inefficenies in the Gaia system? Alas, this wretched system would do nothing to make my poor self any richer so what else an I do but vent for a few minutes?

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Little Anju
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Nov 30, 2007 @ 06:10am
Well, Gaia isn't built around the ideas of making gold. Nay, the central theme is in the communities and friendships that you could possibly build whil exploring the areas within.

Your avatar and gold is a side item, that, though it is now an integral part of Gaia, is not exactly the most important thing.

Making gold fast is something you'd have to discover on your own, selling art or selling expensive items, you choose.

But to be quite honest, the faster Gaia's system to make gold, the higher priced items would be; either way, you still would have to wait awhile to get what you want. And even after posting a while your gold count will rise accordingly.

And wretched system is it? I don't think so... Gaia has come a long ways since the days of old; I honestly don't think you've anything to gripe about. Though there are still numerous bugs within Gaia itself, you must understand they ARE doing all they can to make the system more efficient. Coding and debugging isn't exactly the fastest and easiest thing in the world. Give it time and things will settle down.

But even if they don't, then it's not much to worry about. Since Gaia is free, then you should be happy with that. But there are many groups out there who want to make Gaia more efficient, perhaps it would be best for you to join one of those?

In the meantime, please don't complain about the gold... A lot of people want to make gold fast, but the average Gaian won't be able to do that. Just try not to be hasty.

commentCommented on: Sun Dec 02, 2007 @ 05:49am
See, this was supposed to be a funny entry. As in not serious. As in satire. Thanks anyway for replying.

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