Character Name: Blaine Visdain
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2
Weight: 190
Race ((can be like vampire but consult me on powers)): Human
Hair Color: Pale Blue/ White
Weapon ((again consult me!)): Double Swords
Job ((if any)): Youth.
Home town: Unknown

Bio ((For premades only unless wanted)): Blind since birth, young Blaine developed a talent no other has ever had. He alone has the ability tto see without seeing. In a way it is a enhanced sixth sense. No other human has ever had this ability and it is unsure why he has it. He lives with his mother, Milena. His father left them when he was about 5 years of age. He despises his father and most humans due to their hatred of him and his mother. Blaine loves Wildings. Ever since he was little his mother told stories of their close cousins and their ancient wars.
Username: Akiaiana
Character Name: Sasha
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Height: 5'5
Weight: Unknown
Race ((can be like vampire but consult me on powers)): Wilding.
Hair Color: Green
Weapon ((again consult me!)): Unknown
Job ((if any)): Exiled Prince.
Home town: Vidrian Forest.

Bio ((For premades only unless wanted)): When he was a child he was chased from his home by his hateful mother. He was born different from his people. He was the Prince Heir. He has a older sister and a little brother. He came to be at Vidain Manor. He fell in love with the boy who lived there. He lived with the boy and his mother until his destiny called. When all was said and done, Sacha was granted Imortality and....his fate was altered...
Username: Akiaiana
Character Name: Seigfried Von Karinto
Age:Appears to be 25
Gender: Male
Height: 6'9
Weight: Unknown
Race ((can be like vampire but consult me on powers)): Demon? *Is unclear*
Hair Color: White and Black
Weapon ((again consult me!)): a Claymore. Is about 3 1/2 feet long.
Job ((if any)): Protector
Home town: None.

Bio ((For premades only unless wanted)): An unknown warrior who travels the world. His talent and ability with the sword known as Claymore are unrivaled. Little is understood about him. He appears when great strife hits a land. He devastates all in his path.
Character Name: Milena Visdain
Age: 39 but looks much younger
Gender: Female
Height: 5'8
Weight: 120
Race ((can be like vampire but consult me on powers)): Human
Hair Color: Green
Weapon ((again consult me!)): None
Job ((if any)): Loving Mother
Home town: Visdain Mansion

Bio ((For premades only unless wanted)): Strong willed and vocal. The towns people think she is a witch. Milena is devoted to her son Blaine and his companion Sacha.
Username: Cagalli-Chan210
Character Name: Arikaina
Gender: Famale
Height: 5'2
Weight: 100
Race ((can be like vampire but consult me on powers)): Enlightened Wilding
Hair Color: Purple
Weapon ((again consult me!)): Fists
Job ((if any)): Seed of the Goddess
Home town: Vidrian Forest
Bio ((For premades only unless wanted)):
Username: Akiaiana
Character Name: Firion
Age: 9
Gender: Male
Height: 4'7
Weight: 59
Race ((can be like vampire but consult me on powers)): Wilding
Hair Color: Light Purple
Weapon ((again consult me!)):
Job ((if any)): Prince Apperent
Home town:

Bio ((For premades only unless wanted)): The younger brother of Sacha. He is a somber boy. He is named after a human warrior king. His mother chased his elder brother from their home and his elder sister watches after him like she is his true mother. He rarely smiles, he takes his role as Prince Appearent very seriously.
Character Name: Orixion
Age:Unknown but old!
Gender: Male
Height: 6'3
Weight: 200
Race ((can be like vampire but consult me on powers)): Wilding
Hair Color: White
Weapon ((again consult me!)): Throwing dagers, bow, spear and a short sword.
Job ((if any)): War King
Home town:

Bio ((For premades only unless wanted)): Father of Sacha, Firion and Glitha. He was the War Lord while his wife reigned and now he rules as War King and Regent to his youngest son. For a Wilding he is ancient so he is revered and respected. His body is scared but his face remains relatively unmared.
Username: Sarubia
Character Name: Yuki
Age: Looks 17 but in reality her age is unknown
Gender: Female
Height: 5'6
Weight: 128
Race ((can be like vampire but consult me on powers)): Vampire
Hair Color: Black
Weapon ((again consult me!)): 2 Daggers
Job ((if any)): None
Home town: Unknown

Bio ((For premades only unless wanted)): She was born as an half breed, her father vampire while her mother human. Her mother gave her the name Yuki. At the age of 17, Yuki came into her full powers, becoming a pure blood. Now she wonders around. Yuk is a girl who dosn't care of others unless she takes a likeing to them. If that dose happen then she will always watch over them and kill other who try to hurt them.
Username: Sarubia
Character Name: Yur
Age: He is tied to Yuki. So almost as old as her. Looks to be around 8 years old.
Gender: Male
Height: 4'7
Weight: 64 pounds
Race: Shifter, changes into a tiger
Hair Color:
Weapon: None
Job: None
Home town: None stays with his master, Yuki

Bio: Family killed at a young age, Yur had to fend for himself. At the age of 8 Yur and Yuki ran into each other, and Yur took a likeing to Yuki. The only problem was that Yur was more animal then human at that time. While travling with the young vampire, Yur almost got himself killed. Yuki saved him by bonding Yur to her. Now that they shair the same blood Yur dosn't let anyone get close to her in fear of loseing him only family.
Username: Sarubia
Character Name: Rene
Age: 2
Gender: Female
Height: 3'3
Weight: 43 pounds
Race: Wilding
Hair Color: Black
Weapon: None
Job: None
Home town: Forest Vidrian

Bio: Rene lives in the forest, only two years old Rene takes care of herself. Her parents don't stay with her that much. Rene loves meeting new people but gets scared very easly.
Username: Cagalli-chan210
Character Name: Akane Shisou
Age: 17
Gender: female
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 115
Hair Color: Blonde
Weapon: A sword and a bow and arrows
Job:protector/leader of the elves
Home town: Vidrian Forest

Bio:She comes from a small group of Elves. Her mother and Father were killed in the last fight so the elves now shied away from fighting. She was a natural fighter at birth. She was the fastest, strongest and by far the wisest of the elves once her parents died. They hide in the forest away from danger but now they must train fighters for their protection or else they will becom endangered once more.
Username: AnnaKF13
Character Name: Sylvanna
Age: 19
Gender: female
Height: 5'6
Weight: 130
Race ((can be like vampire but consult me on powers)): Lycanthroe (raven)
Hair Color: Grey
Weapon ((again consult me!)): bow and arrow
Job ((if any)): none
Home town: Unknown

Bio ((For premades only unless wanted)): Just a bumbling wanderer, Sylvanna travels with her half-sister, Riel, and doesn't really have a home. Her parents died soon after contracting a deadly disease and she and Riel were left to fend for themselves. The sisters now greatly depend on each other.
Username: AnnaKF13
Character Name: Riel
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Height: 5'5
Weight: 120
Race ((can be like vampire but consult me on powers)): Human
Hair Color: Black
Weapon ((again consult me!)): bow and arrow
Job ((if any)): none
Home town: Unknown

Bio ((For premades only unless wanted)): Riel travels around with her older half-sister, Sylvanna. The two were forced to fend for themselves when their parents died and depend greatly upon each other
Username: Akiaiana
Character Name: Miria Shin Karso
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Height: 5'8
Race ((can be like vampire but consult me on powers)): Demon
Hair Color: Grey
Weapon ((again consult me!)): Magic and a demon sword. Demon sword's name is Ophelia
Job ((if any)): Huntress
Home town: Unknown

Bio ((For premades only unless wanted)): She was presummed dead by her one and only love.She made a pacted with the demoness Ophelia in order to save her own life. Now she must hunt and kill all shifters.
Username: Akiaiana
Character Name: Teresa LaFain
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Height: 5'6
Weight: 120 pounds
Race ((can be like vampire but consult me on powers)): Sea Nymph
Hair Color: Light and Dark Blue -Mixed-
Weapon ((again consult me!)): Long Sword
Job ((if any)): Mercenary
Home town: none

Bio ((For premades only unless wanted)): A lot is not known of her aside from that she was kicked out of her homeland due to her visioucness. On her travels she found a young girl named Megriana.
Username: Akiaiana
Character Name: Megriana Docino
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Height: 4'3
Weight: 89 pounds
Race ((can be like vampire but consult me on powers)): Shifter -Bunny-
Hair Color: Grayish Purple
Weapon ((again consult me!)): Wave Blades
Job ((if any)): Child Warrior D:
Home town: None

Bio ((For premades only unless wanted)): At a young young age she made a pact witha bunny demon, thus making her a shifter. She takes the form of a bunny -Duhhh!- But she likes it so much that she only halfs transforms and leaves her ears out most of the time. She sweet and gentle and is deathly loyal to her guardian Teresa LaFain.
Username: Akiaiana
Character Name: Dene Helista
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Height: 5'0
Weight: 100 pounds
Race ((can be like vampire but consult me on powers)): Dominu
Hair Color: Red
Weapon ((again consult me!)): Dagger
Job ((if any)): Wanderer
Home town: The Dominu Village -Name unknown-

Bio ((For premades only unless wanted)): She is a young realitive to a young, blind dominu named Mihael. She left her village to find peace for her tormented mind. Stummbled upon Miria Shin Karso.
Username: Sarubia
Character Name: Kaita
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9
Weight: 168
Race: Half elf, half magic user
Hair Color: Red
Weapon: Magic
Job: Random jobs
Home town: None

Bio: Nothing much is really know, he lived with his mother untill he got kicked out. He keeps to himself, but is able to use his magic very well.